Small proof-of-concept client to connect to Electrolux and AEG cleaner robots.
Only tested with an AEX RX9 (aka purei9) first Generation.
Other than the purei9 app, this tool does not verify the robot's TLS certificate, so beware of MitMs in your LAN, eavedropping on your robot. In case you are curious how the trust model works anyway: The TLS certificate of the robot is self signed and verified against a known public key which is gathered from the purei9 cloud.
The developer of this software is not affiliated at all with Electrolux. Electrolux, AEG and Purei9 are brand/product names by Electrolux AB which i do not have any rights upon.
First you need to get your local robot pw to talk to the robot.
$ ./ cloud [email protected] mypassword
"RobotID": "900395798357985798375972",
"Connected": true,
"FirmwareVersion": "40.17",
"LocalRobotPassword": "29379204",
Now you can connect to your robot.
$ ./ local 29379204 status
[<] Connecting to
[>] Connnected
[i] Server Cert
[>] recv 3009 user1=0 user2=0 len=47
"id": "900395798357985798375972",
"name": "Cleaner",
"status": "Sleeping",
"settings": {
"EcoMode": false,
"Language": "eng",
"Mute": false
More usage:
Usage: ./ [cloud <email> <password>]
./ [local <address> <localpw> [status|firmware|start|home]]
cloud: connect to purei9 cloud to get your localpw
local: connect to robot at <address> using <localpw>
status - show basic status
firmware - show firmware info
start - start cleaning
home - stop cleaning and go home