This is the official Mixpanel Python library. This library allows for server-side integration of Mixpanel.
To import, export, transform, or delete your Mixpanel data, please see our mixpanel_api package.
The library can be installed using pip:
pip install mixpanel
Typical usage usually looks like this:
from mixpanel import Mixpanel mp = Mixpanel(YOUR_TOKEN) # tracks an event with certain properties mp.track(DISTINCT_ID, 'button clicked', {'color' : 'blue', 'size': 'large'}) # sends an update to a user profile mp.people_set(DISTINCT_ID, {'$first_name' : 'Ilya', 'favorite pizza': 'margherita'})
You can use an instance of the Mixpanel class for sending all of your events and people updates.
- Help Docs
- Full Documentation
- mixpanel-python-async; a third party tool for sending data asynchronously from the tracking python process.