Releases: poechlauerbe/F1-app
Releases · poechlauerbe/F1-app
- added position of driver to laptimes page
- laptimes, leaderboard, racecontrol and trackinfo - added automatic updates from server
- created Subnav for Live stuff (Navbar was too long)
- improved background colors to race control messages
- added pit page
- added next event info to index page
- added countdown to index page
- added background image
- added auto update to all pages
- added single driver page
- added delay button to single driver page
- added map to Track info page
- added "Live now" info on index page
- added race dates page to show dates of weekends and sessions
- included footer to all pages
- added startUpdateIntervals function (calls external API at specific time intervals)
- added internal api: /api/driversbyposition
- added internal api: /api/pit (at the moment direct call of external api when requesting)
- added getTeamradioLength function to solve problem with not reversing order of teamradio elements
- added log-infos for server start and if error with fetching data
- added datecheck to load less data from external api
- created logfiles depending on clock-time
- logfiles are now created in directory 'log'
- added tyre object + functions
- adapted updateCarData to include actual tyre compound
- lap times: only shown first update of lap and only sector1 - added delLaps function for Lap object
- fixed problem with blue flag button (not reacting)
- trackinfo - found issue for slow loading and fixed it
- fixed bug with fastest lap
- fixed bug with overlapped drivers not shown
- added simple testing script for index page
- added GithubActions
- added Dependabot to keep npm packages updated
- added SuperLinter
- solved problem: fetch is not defined
- added time info to leaderboard
- simplified layouts through ejs
- added favicon
- added head.ejs for navigation and index page
- added start script to package.json
- added trackinfos and weatherinfo
- added background colors to race control messages
- appended driver object and added several other objects
- moved calculation from browser to server for each page
- added lap times page and filled it with sector times, total times for each driver 3x (actual lap, last lap, fastest lap) + tyre
- added basic CSS for the table of lap times
- fixed bugs with loading from external apis
- added auto api calls on server
- added server start function to load everything at the beginning before listening at the port
- added reloading function to the api calls in case of error
transition of the existing Express app to EJS (Embedded JavaScript) for templating.
This modification involves replacing static HTML with EJS templates to enable server-side rendering and dynamic content generation.
- reduced - so only one navbar to update
- racecontrol: added css change of button, centering button on mobile device
- teamradio: added driver names
PreRelease v0.0.0
First pre-release
Express app with 4 pages available:
- drivers
- leaderboard
- race control
- teamradio