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PyTorch SOO: Second Order Optimizers in PyTorch

This repository is intended to enable the use of second-order (i.e. including curvature information) optimizers in PyTorch. This can be for machine learning applications or for generic optimization problems.

There is also a significant body of code used for running and analyzing experiments for understanding the convergence properties of these optimizers as applied to machine learning.

Further documentation, examples, and overall clean-up of the API is forthcoming. Please feel free to open issues and PR's as required on GitHub.


This project relies solely upon PyTorch. Install either the latest version:

python -m pip install torch torchvision torchaudio

or your preferred subvariant (older CUDA version or CPU only) using their instructions. Then, simply run:

python -m pip install pytorch-soo

Dependencies for experimental code

There is a significant body of code contained in the repository (not the package itself) that was used for conducting studies on the behavior of these optimizers. These have not been specifically enumerated but can be readily determined by inspection of the relevant scripts and Jupyter notebooks under the experiments/ subdirectory.

The Optimizers

Three primary classes of optimizers have been implemented herein:

  • Hessian-free Conjugate Residual Krylov-Newton
  • Nonlinear Conjugate Gradient
  • Quasi-Newton

Hessian-free Conjugate Residual Krylov-Newton (HFCR_Newton)

An adaptation of Newton's Method, but uses a Krylov Subspace solver rather inverting a matrix directly. Specifically, it utilizes the Conjugate Residual solver, which only requires that the matrix in question need be hermitian, but not positive-definite (which is not guaranteed in non-convex optimizaton).


  • params: The model parameters
  • lr: The learning rate/maximum stepsize. If no line search is used, it functions as a damping coefficient. If one is used, it is the starting/maximum value of the backtracking line search
  • max_cr: The maximum number of conjugate residual iterations that can be performed. Note that an inexact solution may still be "good enough" and convergence of the solver isn't required.
  • max_newton: The maximum number of newton steps that may be taken per optimizer step.
  • abs_newton_tol: The maximum absolute value of the grad norm before the optimizer is considered converged
  • rel_newton_tol: The relative absolute value of the grad norm before the optimizer is considered converged
  • cr_tol: The absolute value of the residual in the CR solver before it is considered converged
  • line_search_spec: (Optional) A dataclass defining the specifications for the line search algorithm.

Nonlinear Conjugate Gradient (NonlinearConjugateGradient)

Nonlinear Conjugate Gradient Methods are a generalization of Conjugate Gradient Methods to nonlinear optimization problems. Four are implemented herein, varying only in the calculation of the value β. These are:

  • Fletcher-Reeves
  • Polak-Ribiere
  • Hestenes-Stiefel
  • Dai-Yuan

All methods use an automatic reset of β to zero when it is negative. β is also reset between minibatches (no attempt is made to retain conjugacy). All methods support both a backtracking line search that must satisfy the Armijo condition and optionally the Wolfe conditions (not recommended).

As a note, there is a class for the Daniel's method; however, this requires a Hessian-Gradient product that will require some change in the current implementation to support.


  • params: The model parameters
  • lr: The learning rate/maximum stepsize. If no line search is used, it functions as a damping coefficient. If one is used, it is the starting/maximum value of the backtracking line search
  • max_newton: A misnomer, but the maximum number of steps that may be taken per optimizer step.
  • abs_newton_tol: The maximum absolute value of the grad norm before the optimizer is considered converged
  • rel_newton_tol: The relative absolute value of the grad norm before the optimizer is considered converged
  • line_search_spec: (Optional) A dataclass defining the specifications for the line search algorithm.
  • viz_steps: An extra argument used for the purposes of visualization; if true, the algorithm will track all conjugate gradient steps and return them as a tuple with the loss

(Limited Memory) Matrix-Free Quasi-Newton Methods

An adaptation of Newton's Method, but uses an approximation of the Hessian -- hence, Quasi-Newton. Furthermore, no Hessian is explicitly formed, and instead the Hessian-vector product is approximated. There are four possible basic versions:

Implemented? Line Search Trust Region
Inverse X

Implemented Optimizers include:

  • BFGS
  • DavidonFletcherPowell
  • Brodyen

Line Search vs. Trust Region

Line search methods determine step direction first, then (attempt to) determine the optimal step size, usually in an inexact fashion. This inexact optimality is usually qualified by conditions such as the Armijo-Goldstein conditon or the (Strong) Wolfe Conditions. Both are supported here; the latter is preferred for QN methods. This implementation supports both a backtracking line search as well as the "zoom" line search as implemented by SciPy in their optimization toolbox, adapted to work with PyTorch. The latter is recommended and is enabled by providing a curvature condition in the line search specification.

Trust region methods first set a step size, then attempt to determine the optimal step direction. This is typically accomplished by modeling the function locally as a simpler function (e.g. a quadratic), solving for the minimum directly, then comparing the expected improvement to the actual improvement. Based upon this result, the step size is either increased (if a "good" approximation), kept the same size, or shrunk (a "bad" approximation). These require a solver for the so-called "trust region subproblem" -- only the Conjugate-Gradient Steihaug method has been implemented, although stubs exist for the Cauchy Point and Dogleg methods.

Direct vs. Inverse Quasi-Newton Methods

Direct QN methods "directly" form the Hessian $B$ and then solve it via an appropriate Krylov solver, subject to the properties of the Hessian (e.g. hermitian or not, positive definite or not, etc.).

Inverse methods form the inverse Hessian $H=B^{-1}$ and require no solver to invert the Hessian.

Direct Line Search (QuasiNewton)


  • params: The model parameters
  • lr: The learning rate/maximum stepsize. If no line search is used, it functions as a damping coefficient. If one is used, it is the starting/maximum value of the backtracking line search
  • max_newton: The maximum number of newton steps that may be taken per optimizer step.
  • max_krylov: The maximum number of Krylov iterations that can be performed. Note that an inexact solution may still be "good enough" and convergence of the solver isn't required.
  • abs_newton_tol: The maximum absolute value of the grad norm before the optimizer is considered converged
  • rel_newton_tol: The relative absolute value of the grad norm before the optimizer is considered converged
  • krylov_tol: The absolute value of the residual in the Krylov solver before it is considered converged
  • matrix_free_memory: (Optional) The number of prior steps to retain. If None, the memory will grow without bound (not recommended).
  • line_search_spec: (Optional) A dataclass defining the specifications for the line search algorithm.
  • mu: The value to use for the finite difference in the Hessian-vector approximation.
  • verbose: Enables some additional print statements under invalid conditions.

Direct Trust Region (QuasiNewtonTrust)


  • params: The model parameters
  • trust_region: A TrustRegionSpec object dictating the trust region specifications
  • lr: A damping factor for your step size (recommended to leave at 1)
  • max_newton: The maximum number of newton steps that may be taken per optimizer step.
  • abs_newton_tol: The maximum absolute value of the grad norm before the optimizer is considered converged
  • rel_newton_tol: The relative absolute value of the grad norm before the optimizer is considered converged
  • matrix_free_memory: (Optional) The number of prior steps to retain. If None, the memory will grow without bound (not recommended).
  • mu: The value to use for the finite difference in the Hessian-vector approximation.

Inverse Line Search and Trust Region (InverseQuasiNewton)


  • params: The model parameters
  • lr: The learning rate/maximum stepsize. If no line search is used, it functions as a damping coefficient. If one is used, it is the starting/maximum value of the backtracking line search
  • max_newton: The maximum number of newton steps that may be taken per optimizer step.
  • abs_newton_tol: The maximum absolute value of the grad norm before the optimizer is considered converged
  • rel_newton_tol: The relative absolute value of the grad norm before the optimizer is considered converged
  • matrix_free_memory: (Optional) The number of prior steps to retain. If None, the memory will grow without bound (not recommended).
  • line_search_spec: (Optional) A dataclass defining the specifications for the line search algorithm.
  • trust_region: A TrustRegionSpec object dictating the trust region specifications
  • verbose: Enables some additional print statements under invalid conditions.

Note: breaking with the other classes, this class can accept either a LineSearchSpec or TrustRegionSpec (but not both!). However, as the trust region is not implemented for this class, it is functionally only a line search optimizer.

Other Classes of Note


A frozen dataclass with parameters:

  • max_searches
  • extrapolation_factor (note this should be $<1$)
  • sufficient_decrease
  • curvature_constant (Optional)


A frozen dataclass with parameters:

  • initial_radius: Initial trust region radius
  • max_radius: Maximum trust region radius
  • nabla0: see below
  • nabla1: see below
  • nabla2: see below
  • shrink_factor: Factor by which the radius shrinks (should be $∈(0,1)$)
  • growth_factor: Factor by which the radius grows (should be $∈(1,∞)$)
  • trust_region_subproblem_solver: Which subproblem solver to use (only cg is currently valid)
  • trust_region_subproblem_tol: The tolerance for subproblem convergence
  • trust_region_subproblem_iter: A limit on how many iterations the solver can use (Optional)

Nabla values

These terms are actually misnamed and should be called "eta".

These set the limits for whether the quadratic model of the method is "good". nabla0 is the value below which an abject failure occurs and the step is rejected entirely. nabla1 is the value below which the step is accepted but the radius is decreased. nabla2 is the value above which the step is accepted and the radius is increased.

Note that $0\leq\eta_0 \leq \eta_1 \leq \eta_2 \leq 1$; in practice, it suggested that $\eta_0 \ll 1$ ("very small", on the order of 1e-4) and that $\eta_0 < \eta_1 < \eta_2 < 1$.


Linear system solvers (i.e. $Ax=b$) that support functor behavior with inputs:

  • A: a matrix(-like) object supporting matvec multiplication
  • x0: The initial guess
  • b: the b vector


  • max_iter: Maximum iterations the solver can take
  • tol: an absolute tolerance for convergence

Implemented Solvers

  • Conjugate Gradient
  • Conjugate Residual

Other solvers (such as MINRES, GMRES, Biconjugate Gradient, etc.) could be added if desired.

(Inverse) Matrix-Free Operators

The basis of the QN methods, this object acts like a matrix and accepts updates using the current gradient, the last gradient, and the change in $x$. Also supports constructing a full matrix by multiplying by each basis vector and stacking the results (for debugging purposes).

MatrixFreeOperator Arguments:

  • B0p A callable accepting a tensor and returning a tensor. Should be the closure used by the second order methods if possible. If this is not available at construction, add it later using the change_B0p method.
  • n: the size of the memory. If none, it is unlimited.

InverseMatrixFreeOperator Arguments:

  • n: the size of the memory. If none, it is unlimited.

There are also matrix operators, which actually form the full matrix. These are not suggested except for small optimization problems.

Implemented Operators:

  • BFGS
  • SR1
  • DFP

Note that, technically, the SR1 Dual is also available -- its inverse is its dual.

Possible Improvements

  • Implement Trust region inverse QN method(s).
  • Refactor QN classes to reduce duplicated code. Consider Multiple inheritance to match the 2x2 matrix of line search vs. trust region and direct vs. inverse
  • Rename the nabla variables to eta; the author was lacking sleep when identifying the greek letter used in his sources
  • Update the Matrix Free operators to use the newer __matmul__ dunder method instead of just __mul__


This work was supported by Pacific Northwest National Lab, the University of Washington, and Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories. A special thanks to Dr. Andrew Lumsdaine and Dr. Tony Chiang for their time, support, feedback, and patience on this project.

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