This repository contains various classes of search algorithms, e.g. Uninformed and Informed (Heuristic: using Euclidean distance) Search Strategies and control strategies for autonomous vehicle AI navigation within a Unity environment. The brief variety of search strategies the repository includes are Breadth-First Search, Dijkstra's Algorithm, Greedy Best-First Search, and A* Algorithm, along with the ability to visualize graphs, nodes, paths, and other elements like Voronoi diagrams and Rapidly Exploring Random Trees (RRTs).
- A* uses a list of waypoints (a path) to guide the autonomous vehicle (carAI).
- A heuristic-based search algorithm that finds the shortest path from a start to a goal node by evaluating possible paths based on cost and estimated distance.
- This implementation of A* operates on a simple graph structure, using the SimpleAStarAlgorithms class.
- This uses A* on a grid representation of the environment to navigate between start and goal positions.
- A* is applied to a space where obstacles have been inflated to ensure a collision-free path.
- Utilizes a visibility graph to find the shortest path and smooth it for better navigation.
- Combines features of A* and continuous steering methods for navigating environments (in continuous spaces, suitable for vehicle dynamics), enhancing the vehicle's ability to follow paths smoothly.
- A sampling-based algorithm that incrementally builds a tree of feasible paths, exploring the state space efficiently to connect the start and goal configurations.
- The RRT algorithm is utilized for path planning, enabling the AI to efficiently explore and navigate through complex (continuous, dynamic space) environments, focusing on finding paths while considering the orientation of the vehicle.
- Parameters include RRTSearchAlgorithm, PositionSampler, and pathfinding through a tree structure (Node<State>).
- Efficiently explores the search space to find feasible paths in dynamic environments (refines paths to minimize cost, ensuring optimality in the resulting path through iterative improvement).
- An enhanced version of the RRT algorithm, RRT* optimizes the path by exploring potential routes more thoroughly and improving upon the initial path found.
- Bidirectional search to connect start and goal using RRT (Rapidly-exploring Random Tree) methodology.
- This algorithm improves efficiency by connecting two trees simultaneously, facilitating faster pathfinding through the (continuous) environment.
- A method for pathfinding that samples points in the environment to build a roadmap for navigation.
- The PRM method creates a roadmap of potential paths through the environment, represented as PRMGraph and managed by the PRMPathPlanner.
- The algorithm leverages traversability array data to determine valid movement paths.
- Generates a roadmap and finds a path using A* on the PRM graph.
- Utilizes KD-tree nearest neighbor search for efficient pathfinding in high-dimensional spaces.
- An incremental version of PRM focusing on connected components for better performance. Uses an incremental approach and connected components for better performance.
- Reduces node numbers for improved search space efficiency.
- Implements collision checking with visibility caching and optional heuristics.
- Constructs a visibility graph for finding paths based on the line of sight between nodes in the environment.
- Incremental triangulation and edge-flipping methods to construct a Delaunay triangulation from a set of points in a 2D plane.
- Triangles are visualized and used for further pathfinding.
- Constructs a triangulated mesh for effective pathfinding and obstacle representation given as constraint points.
- Extends Delaunay triangulation to accommodate constraints, ensuring that specific edges remain within the triangulation.
- Facilitates efficient (equidistant polygonal region partitioning) space partitioning to improve navigation and obstacle avoidance.
- A partitioning of a plane into regions based on the distance to a specific set of points, enabling efficient obstacle avoidance and pathfinding by identifying free spaces.
- Uses the Gift Wrapping (Jarvis March) algorithm to compute convex hulls around obstacle (constraint) points or random points in space.
- A method for finding the convex hull of a set of points, offering insights into shape analysis and boundary detection.
- Implements a pure pursuit strategy to track a reference path, adjusting steering angle based on the position of the robot relative to the path.
- Enables precise path following for autonomous vehicles by calculating steering angles based on target trajectory.
- Utilizes proportional and derivative gains to control robot motion towards a target position.
- A proportional-derivative controller is used to manage the vehicle's acceleration and steering based on the position and velocity errors relative to the target position.
- The implementation integrates terrain analysis and polygonal obstacle generation along with (graph) boundary tracing via the TerrainManager and TerrainInfo classes, assessing traversability array to identify valid movement areas (collision-free areas).
- After generating paths, smoothing algorithms such as Moving Average Algorithm, Bézier Curves Interpolation, and Spline Interpolation are implemented to reduce sharp turns and improve the overall trajectory.
- Incorporates obstacle detection and processing through centroids and corners.
- Triangulation around obstacle boundaries is addressed (specially for Voronoi Diagram).
- The AI checks for obstacles and adjusts its movement to avoid collisions.
- A raycast is also employed to check for nearby obstacles in front of the vehicle, allowing for real-time avoidance strategies.
This implementation combines several advanced algorithms to enhance AI navigation capabilities, demonstrating proficiency in artificial intelligence techniques for game development, computational geometry (pathfinding) and robotics (robot navigation).
- Introduce functionality to handle moving obstacles in the environment. This could involve re-planning paths in real time or during a continuous update loop.
- Consider optimizing the search algorithms, especially if the number of nodes is large. Implementing spatial partitioning techniques (like quad-trees) could reduce search time. What about R-trees or K-D trees? To be researched.
- Allow users to adjust parameters of the algorithms (like the number of samples in PRM or the size of the RRT) through a UI for better experimentation.
- The steering behaviors mentioned could be implemented incrementally. Start with the simplest behaviors (e.g., Seek and Flee) and gradually build up to more complex behaviors.
- Enhance obstacle avoidance by using dynamic raycasting or sensors that can detect moving objects, enabling the vehicle to react to changes in the environment more effectively.
- The various control parameters (like k_p, k_d, max_speed, etc.) should be tunable via the Unity Inspector, allowing for easier experimentation and fine-tuning of the vehicle's performance.
- If your environment is suitable, consider leveraging Unity's NavMesh system for more sophisticated pathfinding and navigation capabilities.
- Introduce a state management system to handle different behaviors (e.g., chasing, avoiding obstacles, path following) cleanly. This could enhance readability and make it easier to add new behaviors.
- it's a search algorithm based on stochastic and population-based adaptive optimization
Interesting paper to work on (2001) "Do Irregular Grids make a Difference? Relaxing the Spatial Regularity Assumption in Cellular Models of Social Dynamics":
More on path planning techniques (2023):
This repository introduces a solid foundation for various autonomous vehicle driving behaviors and pathfinding, as well as, motion control strategies.
Spatial Algorithms:
Spatial Search Algorithms (R-tree, K-D tree, kNN queries and distance metrics, range and radius queries):
Spatial AI:
Spatial Computing: