Pre-releaseNew Features
API Server
Plunder now has a native API-Server that makes it configurable via a rest
API, this is already exploited through the use of tooling such as pldrctl and Cluster-API. It uses certificates to encrypt communication between a client and the server, these certificates can be generated through the plunder config apiserver <server/client>
Native ISO support
Plunder can now read directly from an ISO file, meaning that mounting an ISO to local host is no longer required, the ISO can be added into the server configuration:
- cmdline: ""
configName: preseed
initrdPath: ubuntu/install/netboot/ubuntu-installer/amd64/initrd.gz
isoPath: /nfs/Operating Systems/Ubuntu/ubuntu-16.04.5-server-amd64.iso
isoPrefix: ubuntu
kernelPath: ubuntu/install/netboot/ubuntu-installer/amd64/linux
Alternatively, it can be added through the API or with pldrctl
Unleased server watching
Any server that isn't currently being deployed will become part of an unleased group, that can be managed with the --defaultBoot
option. This gives the option of forcing a server into a reboot loop until it is required for provisioning.
Tons of bug fixes
- Logging improvements, including an internal logging and streaming package
- Move to GO Modules
- ESXi support
- Fixes to DHCP where machines restarting at the same time could hit a race condition
Additional fixes can be read through by looking at the commit delta.
There is finally an external URL for plunder https://plndr.io !