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Update version.h

Update version.h #10

Workflow file for this run

# Copyright (C) Markus Franz Xaver Johannes Oberhumer
# note: GitHub Actions runner images are frequently updated, and
# unfortunately this sometimes breaks builds in mysterious ways...
# see
name: CI
on: [push, workflow_dispatch]
DEBIAN_FRONTEND: noninteractive
UPX_CMAKE_CONFIG_FLAGS: -Wdev --warn-uninitialized
# 2024-08-13
ZIG_DIST_VERSION: 0.14.0-dev.1033+25096ed89
name: Rebuild stubs
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
container: ubuntu:24.04 # provides glibc-2.39
#container: debian:12-slim # also works; provides glibc-2.36
#container: debian:testing-slim # also works; currently provides glibc-2.38
- name: Install packages
run: |
uname -a; pwd; id; umask
dpkg --add-architecture i386
apt-get update && apt-get upgrade -y
# install system packages
apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends bash ca-certificates curl git libmpc3 make perl-base tar time xz-utils libc6:i386 zlib1g:i386
# install python2-minimal packages from Debian-11
mkdir ../deps; cd ../deps; mkdir packages
curl -sS -L -O
curl -sS -L -O
dpkg -i ./*python2*.deb && rm ./*python2*.deb && ldconfig
ln -s -v python2.7 /usr/bin/python2
# manually unpack and install compat libs from Ubuntu-16.04
curl -sS -L -O
for f in ./*.deb; do dpkg -x $f ./packages; done
mv -v -n ./packages/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/lib* /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
rm -rf ./*.deb ./packages && ldconfig
# install upx-stubtools
curl -sS -L | tar -xJ
- name: Check out code
run: |
git config --global --add '*' # needed when running in a container
git clone --branch "$GITHUB_REF_NAME" --depth 1 "$GITHUB_SERVER_URL/$GITHUB_REPOSITORY" .
git submodule update --init -- vendor/lzma-sdk
git fsck --strict --no-progress
- name: Rebuild and verify stubs
run: |
export PATH="$(readlink -en ../deps/bin-upx-20221212):$PATH"
make -C src/stub maintainer-clean extra-clean
git status || true
make -C src/stub extra-all all
if ! git diff --quiet; then git diff; exit 1; fi
- run: bash ./misc/scripts/
- name: Check source code formatting
run: |
export UPX_CLANG_FORMAT="$(readlink -en ../deps/bin-upx-20221212/clang-format-15.0.6)"
make -C src clang-format
if ! git diff --quiet; then git diff; exit 1; fi
- name: Rebuild docs
run: |
make -C doc clean all
if ! git diff --quiet; then git diff || true; fi # ignore diff error
job-linux-cmake: # uses cmake + make
if: true
needs: [ job-rebuild-and-verify-stubs ]
fail-fast: false
- { os: ubuntu-20.04, use_extra: true }
- { os: ubuntu-22.04, use_extra: true, use_wine: true }
# GitHub ubuntu-24.04 is BETA; BUG: currently i386 programs can abort with "The futex facility returned an unexpected error code"
# { os: ubuntu-24.04, use_extra: true, use_wine: true }
- { os: ubuntu-24.04 } # TODO later: enable extra+wine once the GitHub VM is fixed
name: ${{ format('{0}', matrix.os) }}
runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
- name: Install extra 32-bit and MinGW packages
if: ${{ matrix.use_extra }}
run: |
sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade -y
sudo apt-get install -y g++-multilib g++-mingw-w64-i686 g++-mingw-w64-x86-64
# make sure that we use posix-threads (pthread/winpthreads) and NOT win32-threads
for f in i686-w64-mingw32-g++ i686-w64-mingw32-gcc x86_64-w64-mingw32-g++ x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc; do
if test -f /usr/bin/$f-posix; then sudo update-alternatives --set $f /usr/bin/$f-posix; fi
ls -l /usr/bin/${f}*
ls -l /etc/alternatives/*mingw* || true
sudo apt-get install -y libc6-dbg:i386 valgrind
- name: Install Wine
if: ${{ matrix.use_extra && matrix.use_wine }}
run: |
sudo apt-get install -y wine wine32:i386 wine64
ls -l /usr/bin/wine*
mkdir -p -v ~/.wine && wineboot --init
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
with: { submodules: true }
- name: Check out test suite
run: git clone --depth=1 ../deps/upx-testsuite
- run: set -x; clang --version; clang++ --version
- run: set -x; gcc --version; g++ --version
- run: clang -E -x c -dM /dev/null # list predefined macros for C
- run: clang++ -E -x c++ -dM /dev/null # list predefined macros for C++
- run: gcc -E -x c -dM /dev/null # list predefined macros for C
- run: g++ -E -x c++ -dM /dev/null # list predefined macros for C++
- run: make build/extra/gcc/all
- run: make build/extra/clang/all
- run: make build/extra/gcc-m32/all
if: ${{ matrix.use_extra }}
- run: make build/extra/gcc-mx32/all
if: ${{ matrix.use_extra }}
- run: make build/extra/cross-windows-mingw32/all
if: ${{ matrix.use_extra }}
- run: make build/extra/cross-windows-mingw64/all
if: ${{ matrix.use_extra }}
- name: Make artifact
run: |
N=$(echo "upx-${GITHUB_REF_NAME}-${GITHUB_SHA:0:7}-${{ matrix.os }}" | sed 's/[^0-9a-zA-Z_.-]/-/g')
mkdir -p "tmp/artifact/$N"
dirs="gcc/debug gcc/release clang/debug clang/release"
if test "${{ matrix.use_extra }}" = "true"; then
dirs="$dirs gcc-m32/debug gcc-m32/release gcc-mx32/debug gcc-mx32/release"
dirs="$dirs cross-windows-mingw32/debug cross-windows-mingw32/release"
dirs="$dirs cross-windows-mingw64/debug cross-windows-mingw64/release"
for d in $dirs; do DESTDIR="$PWD/tmp/artifact/$N/InstallWithCMake/InstallWithDestdir/$d" cmake --install build/extra/$d; done
for d in $dirs; do DESTDIR="$PWD/tmp/artifact/$N/InstallWithCMake/InstallWithDestdirAndStrip/$d" cmake --install build/extra/$d --strip; done
for d in $dirs; do cmake --install build/extra/$d --prefix "$PWD/tmp/artifact/$N/InstallWithCMake/InstallWithPrefix/$d"; done
for d in $dirs; do cmake --install build/extra/$d --prefix "$PWD/tmp/artifact/$N/InstallWithCMake/InstallWithPrefixAndStrip/$d" --strip; done
(cd build && shopt -s nullglob && cp -ai --parents */upx{,.exe} */*/*/upx{,.exe} "../tmp/artifact/$N")
if command -v hardlink >/dev/null; then (cd "tmp/artifact/$N" && hardlink .) fi
(cd tmp/artifact && tar --sort=name --zstd -cf "$N.tar.zst" "$N" && rm -rf "./$N" && ls -la && zstd -tq "$N.tar.zst")
echo "artifact_name=$N" >> $GITHUB_ENV
- name: ${{ format('Upload artifact {0}', env.artifact_name) }}
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
with: { name: '${{ env.artifact_name }}', path: tmp/artifact }
- name: Run install tests
run: |
(cd build/extra/gcc/release && DESTDIR="$PWD/Install with cmake" cmake --install .)
(cd build/extra/gcc/release && DESTDIR="$PWD/Install with make" make install)
- name: Run ctest tests
run: |
jobs="gcc/debug gcc/release clang/debug clang/release"
test "${{ matrix.use_extra }}" = "true" && jobs="$jobs gcc-m32/debug gcc-m32/release"
command -v wine >/dev/null && jobs="$jobs cross-windows-mingw32/debug cross-windows-mingw32/release"
command -v wine >/dev/null && jobs="$jobs cross-windows-mingw64/debug cross-windows-mingw64/release"
echo "===== parallel jobs: $jobs"
CTEST_JOBS=2 parallel -kv --lb 'make build/extra/{}+test' ::: $jobs
- name: Mimic ctest tests
run: |
jobs="gcc/debug gcc/release clang/debug clang/release"
test "${{ matrix.use_extra }}" = "true" && jobs="$jobs gcc-m32/debug gcc-m32/release"
echo "===== parallel jobs: $jobs"
parallel -kv --lb 'cd build/extra/{} && bash ../../../../misc/testsuite/' ::: $jobs
- name: Mimic ctest tests with Valgrind
if: true # note: valgrind is SLOW
run: |
if command -v valgrind >/dev/null; then
export upx_exe_runner="valgrind --leak-check=no --error-exitcode=1 --quiet --gen-suppressions=all"
# clang/debug does not work before valgrind-3.20, see
jobs="gcc/debug gcc/release clang/release"
test "${{ matrix.use_extra }}" = "true" && jobs="$jobs gcc-m32/debug gcc-m32/release"
echo "===== parallel jobs: $jobs"
parallel -kv --lb 'cd build/extra/{} && bash ../../../../misc/testsuite/' ::: $jobs
- name: Run file system tests
run: |
jobs="gcc/debug gcc/release clang/debug clang/release"
test "${{ matrix.use_extra }}" = "true" && jobs="$jobs gcc-m32/debug gcc-m32/release"
echo "===== parallel jobs: $jobs"
parallel -kv --lb 'cd build/extra/{} && bash ../../../../misc/testsuite/' ::: $jobs
- name: Run file system tests with Valgrind
if: false # note: valgrind is SLOW
run: |
if command -v valgrind >/dev/null; then
export upx_exe_runner="valgrind --leak-check=no --error-exitcode=1 --quiet --gen-suppressions=all"
# clang/debug does not work before valgrind-3.20, see
jobs="gcc/debug gcc/release clang/release"
test "${{ matrix.use_extra }}" = "true" && jobs="$jobs gcc-m32/debug gcc-m32/release"
echo "===== parallel jobs: $jobs"
parallel -kv --lb 'cd build/extra/{} && bash ../../../../misc/testsuite/' ::: $jobs
- name: Run test suite
run: |
export upx_testsuite_SRCDIR="$(readlink -en ../deps/upx-testsuite)"
jobs="gcc/debug gcc/release clang/debug clang/release"
test "${{ matrix.use_extra }}" = "true" && jobs="$jobs gcc-m32/debug gcc-m32/release"
echo "===== parallel jobs: $jobs"
parallel -kv --lb 'cd build/extra/{} && bash ../../../../misc/testsuite/' ::: $jobs
job-macos-cmake: # uses cmake + make
if: true
needs: [ job-rebuild-and-verify-stubs ]
fail-fast: false
# NOTE: Xcode updates regularly tend to break Homebrew clang/gcc; often some ld64 issue; use "xcode_version" as needed; or try "-Wl,-ld_classic"
# NOTE: macos does not have "env -C"; only with brew coreutils
# NOTE: macos-11 does not have "readlink -f"; only on macos >= 12 or with brew coreutils
# { os: macos-11, gcc: gcc-10, gxx: g++-10, testsuite: true } # macos-11 is EOL; scheduled for removal from GitHub actions
- { os: macos-12, gcc: gcc-12, gxx: g++-12, testsuite: true }
- { os: macos-13, testsuite: true } # use default Xcode-15; NOTE: gcc-12 on macos-13 does not work with Xcode-15
- { os: macos-13, gcc: gcc-12, gxx: g++-12, testsuite: true, xcode_version: 14.3.1 }
# { os: macos-14, gcc: gcc-13, gxx: g++-13, testsuite: true } # gcc-13: INTERNAL ERROR in ld64
# { os: macos-14, gcc: gcc-13, gxx: g++-13, testsuite: true, xcode_version: 14.3.1 } # gcc-13: MISSING HEADER FILES
- { os: macos-14, gcc: gcc-12, gxx: g++-12, testsuite: true } # => use gcc-12 for now
name: ${{ format('{0} {1}{2}', matrix.os, matrix.xcode_version && 'xcode-' || '', matrix.xcode_version) }}
runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
- uses: maxim-lobanov/setup-xcode@v1
if: ${{ matrix.xcode_version }}
with: { xcode-version: '${{ matrix.xcode_version }}' }
- name: Install brew packages
if: ${{ matrix.testsuite }}
run: |
test -z "$HOMEBREW_PREFIX" && HOMEBREW_PREFIX="$(brew --prefix)"
# testsuite needs working "readlink -en" and "sha256sum -b"
packages="ninja parallel util-linux"
test -e "$HOMEBREW_PREFIX/opt/coreutils/libexec/gnubin/readlink" || packages="$packages coreutils"
if test -n "$packages"; then
echo "===== brew leaves:"; brew leaves; echo "===== brew list:"; brew list --versions
# only run "brew update" if needed
if ! brew install $packages; then echo "===== brew update" && brew update && brew install $packages; fi
mkdir -p ~/.parallel && : > ~/.parallel/$(echo 6305-4721 | tr 0-7 leticlwi)
case "${{ matrix.os }}" in
# TODO FIXME: UPX on macos-13+ is broken => disable run-packed for now
macos-13 | macos-14) echo "UPX_CONFIG_DISABLE_RUN_PACKED_TEST=ON" >> $GITHUB_ENV ;;
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
with: { submodules: true }
- name: Check out test suite
if: ${{ matrix.testsuite }}
run: git clone --depth=1 ../deps/upx-testsuite
- run: set -x; xcode-select -p || true; xcodebuild -version || true
- run: set -x; clang --version; clang++ --version
- run: clang -E -x c -dM /dev/null # list predefined macros for C
- run: clang++ -E -x c++ -dM /dev/null # list predefined macros for C++
- run: set -x; ${{ matrix.gcc }} --version; ${{ matrix.gxx }} --version
if: ${{ matrix.gcc }}
- run: ${{ matrix.gcc }} -E -x c -dM /dev/null # list predefined macros for C
if: ${{ matrix.gcc }}
- run: ${{ matrix.gxx }} -E -x c++ -dM /dev/null # list predefined macros for C++
if: ${{ matrix.gcc }}
- run: make build/extra/clang/all
- name: Build extra/gcc/all
if: ${{ matrix.gcc }}
run: make build/extra/gcc/all CC="${{ matrix.gcc }} -static-libgcc" CXX="${{ matrix.gxx }} -static-libgcc -static-libstdc++"
- name: Build xtarget/cross-darwin-arm64/all
run: |
make UPX_XTARGET=xtarget/cross-darwin-arm64 xtarget/all \
CC="clang -target arm64-apple-darwin" CXX="clang++ -target arm64-apple-darwin"
- name: Make artifact
run: |
X="${{ matrix.xcode_version }}"; test -n "$X" && X="-xcode-$X"
N=$(echo "upx-${GITHUB_REF_NAME}-${GITHUB_SHA:0:7}-${{ matrix.os }}$X" | sed 's/[^0-9a-zA-Z_.-]/-/g')
mkdir -p "tmp/artifact/$N"
dirs="clang/debug clang/release"
test -n "${{ matrix.gcc }}" && dirs="$dirs gcc/debug gcc/release"
for d in $dirs; do DESTDIR="$PWD/tmp/artifact/$N/InstallWithCMake/InstallWithDestdir/$d" cmake --install build/extra/$d; done
for d in $dirs; do DESTDIR="$PWD/tmp/artifact/$N/InstallWithCMake/InstallWithDestdirAndStrip/$d" cmake --install build/extra/$d --strip; done
for d in $dirs; do cmake --install build/extra/$d --prefix "$PWD/tmp/artifact/$N/InstallWithCMake/InstallWithPrefix/$d"; done
for d in $dirs; do cmake --install build/extra/$d --prefix "$PWD/tmp/artifact/$N/InstallWithCMake/InstallWithPrefixAndStrip/$d" --strip; done
(cd build && rsync -R -a */*/*/upx "../tmp/artifact/$N/")
if test -f "$hardlink"; then (cd "tmp/artifact/$N" && "$hardlink" .) fi
(cd tmp/artifact && gtar --sort=name --zstd -cf "$N.tar.zst" "$N" && rm -rf "./$N" && ls -la && zstd -tq "$N.tar.zst")
echo "artifact_name=$N" >> $GITHUB_ENV
- name: ${{ format('Upload artifact {0}', env.artifact_name) }}
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
with: { name: '${{ env.artifact_name }}', path: tmp/artifact }
- name: Run install tests
run: |
(cd build/extra/clang/release && DESTDIR="$PWD/Install with cmake" cmake --install .)
(cd build/extra/clang/release && DESTDIR="$PWD/Install with make" make install)
- name: Run ctest tests
run: |
for f in ./build/extra/*/*/upx; do file $f; done
jobs="clang/debug clang/release"
test -n "${{ matrix.gcc }}" && jobs="$jobs gcc/debug gcc/release"
echo "===== parallel jobs: $jobs"
CTEST_JOBS=2 parallel -kv --lb 'make build/extra/{}+test' ::: $jobs
- name: Mimic ctest tests
run: |
export PATH="$HOMEBREW_PREFIX/opt/coreutils/libexec/gnubin:$PATH"
jobs="clang/debug clang/release"
test -n "${{ matrix.gcc }}" && jobs="$jobs gcc/debug gcc/release"
echo "===== parallel jobs: $jobs"
parallel -kv --lb 'cd build/extra/{} && bash ../../../../misc/testsuite/' ::: $jobs
- name: Run file system tests
if: ${{ matrix.testsuite }} # for coreutils readlink
run: |
export PATH="$HOMEBREW_PREFIX/opt/coreutils/libexec/gnubin:$PATH"
export upx_test_file="$PWD"/build/extra/clang/release/upx
jobs="clang/debug clang/release"
test -n "${{ matrix.gcc }}" && jobs="$jobs gcc/debug gcc/release"
echo "===== parallel jobs: $jobs"
parallel -kv --lb 'cd build/extra/{} && bash ../../../../misc/testsuite/' ::: $jobs
- name: Run test suite
if: ${{ matrix.testsuite }}
run: |
export PATH="$HOMEBREW_PREFIX/opt/coreutils/libexec/gnubin:$PATH"
export upx_testsuite_SRCDIR="$(readlink -en ../deps/upx-testsuite)"
jobs="clang/debug clang/release"
test -n "${{ matrix.gcc }}" && jobs="$jobs gcc/debug gcc/release"
echo "===== parallel jobs: $jobs"
parallel -kv --lb 'cd build/extra/{} && bash ../../../../misc/testsuite/' ::: $jobs
job-windows-cmake: # uses cmake + msbuild
if: true
needs: [ job-rebuild-and-verify-stubs ]
fail-fast: false
- { name: windows-2019-amd64, os: windows-2019, vsversion: 2019, vsarch: amd64 }
- { name: windows-2022-amd64, os: windows-2022, vsversion: 2022, vsarch: amd64 }
name: ${{ format('{0}', }}
runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
- run: git config --global core.autocrlf false
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
with: { submodules: true }
- name: Check out test suite
run: git clone --depth=1 ../deps/upx-testsuite
- uses: ilammy/msvc-dev-cmd@v1
with: { vsversion: '${{ matrix.vsversion }}', arch: '${{ matrix.vsarch }}' }
- run: make build/debug
- run: make build/release
- name: Make artifact
shell: bash
run: |
N=$(echo "upx-${GITHUB_REF_NAME}-${GITHUB_SHA:0:7}-${{ matrix.os }}" | sed 's/[^0-9a-zA-Z_.-]/-/g')
mkdir -p "tmp/artifact/$N"
DESTDIR="$PWD/tmp/artifact/$N/InstallWithCMake/InstallWithDestdir/debug" cmake --install build/debug --config Debug
DESTDIR="$PWD/tmp/artifact/$N/InstallWithCMake/InstallWithDestdir/release" cmake --install build/release --config Release
DESTDIR="$PWD/tmp/artifact/$N/InstallWithCMake/InstallWithDestdirAndStrip/debug" cmake --install build/debug --config Debug --strip
DESTDIR="$PWD/tmp/artifact/$N/InstallWithCMake/InstallWithDestdirAndStrip/release" cmake --install build/release --config Release --strip
cmake --install build/debug --config Debug --prefix "$PWD/tmp/artifact/$N/InstallWithCMake/InstallWithPrefix/debug"
cmake --install build/release --config Release --prefix "$PWD/tmp/artifact/$N/InstallWithCMake/InstallWithPrefix/release"
cmake --install build/debug --config Debug --prefix "$PWD/tmp/artifact/$N/InstallWithCMake/InstallWithPrefixAndStrip/debug" --strip
cmake --install build/release --config Release --prefix "$PWD/tmp/artifact/$N/InstallWithCMake/InstallWithPrefixAndStrip/release" --strip
(cd build && cp -ai --parents */*/upx.exe "../tmp/artifact/$N")
(cd tmp/artifact && tar --sort=name --zstd -cf "$N.tar.zst" "$N" && rm -rf "./$N" && ls -la && zstd -tq "$N.tar.zst")
echo "artifact_name=$N" >> $GITHUB_ENV
- name: ${{ format('Upload artifact {0}', env.artifact_name) }}
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
job-windows-toolchains: # build "by hand" using cmd.exe
needs: [ job-rebuild-and-verify-stubs ]
fail-fast: false
- { name: amd64-win64-vs2019, os: windows-2019, vsversion: 2019, vsarch: amd64 }
- { name: amd64-win64-vs2022, os: windows-2022, vsversion: 2022, vsarch: amd64 }
- { name: arm64-win64-vs2019, os: windows-2019, vsversion: 2019, vsarch: amd64_arm64 }
- { name: arm64-win64-vs2022, os: windows-2022, vsversion: 2022, vsarch: amd64_arm64 }
- { name: arm64ec-win64-vs2022, os: windows-2022, vsversion: 2022, vsarch: amd64_arm64, cl_machine_flags: -arm64EC, link_machine_flags: '/machine:arm64ec' }
# { name: arm64x-win64-vs2022, os: windows-2022, vsversion: 2022, vsarch: amd64_arm64, cl_machine_flags: -arm64EC, link_machine_flags: '/machine:arm64x' }
- { name: i386-win32-vs2019, os: windows-2019, vsversion: 2019, vsarch: amd64_x86 }
- { name: i386-win32-vs2022, os: windows-2022, vsversion: 2022, vsarch: amd64_x86 }
name: ${{ format('windows {0}', }}
runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
C: ${{ }}
B: release
- run: git config --global core.autocrlf false
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
with: { submodules: true }
- name: Prepare sources and Check out test suite
shell: bash
run: |
git clone --depth=1 ../deps/upx-testsuite
mkdir -p -v build/$C/$B/{bzip2,ucl,upx,zlib,zstd}
repository_name="${GITHUB_REPOSITORY##*/}" # basename
echo "H=d:\\a\\$repository_name\\$repository_name" >> $GITHUB_ENV
- uses: ilammy/msvc-dev-cmd@v1
with: { vsversion: '${{ matrix.vsversion }}', arch: '${{ matrix.vsarch }}' }
- name: Build by hand
shell: cmd
run: |
@REM ===== set vars =====
where cl & where link
set RUN_CL=cl ${{ matrix.cl_machine_flags }} -MT
set RUN_LIB=link -lib ${{ matrix.link_machine_flags }}
@rem UPX only uses the very basic Windows API
set BDIR=%H%\build\%C%\%B%
git rev-parse --short=12 HEAD > %BDIR%\upx\.GITREV.txt
@REM ===== build bzip2 =====
cd %BDIR%\bzip2
@rem %RUN_CL% -J -O2 -W4 -wd4127 -wd4244 -wd4267 -WX %DEFS% -DBZ_NO_STDIO -c %H%\vendor\bzip2\*.c
@rem %RUN_LIB% -out:bzip2.lib *.obj
@REM ===== build UCL =====
cd %BDIR%\ucl
set s=%H%\vendor\ucl
%RUN_CL% -J -O2 -W4 -WX %DEFS% -I%s%\include -I%s% -c %s%\src\*.c
%RUN_LIB% -out:ucl.lib *.obj
@REM ===== build zlib =====
cd %BDIR%\zlib
%RUN_CL% -J -O2 -W3 -WX %DEFS% -DHAVE_VSNPRINTF -c %H%\vendor\zlib\*.c
%RUN_LIB% -out:zlib.lib *.obj
@REM ===== build zstd =====
cd %BDIR%\zstd
set s=%H%\vendor\zstd\lib
@rem %RUN_CL% -J -O2 -W4 -WX %DEFS% -DDYNAMIC_BMI2=0 -DZSTD_DISABLE_ASM -c %s%\common\*.c %s%\compress\*.c %s%\decompress\*.c
@rem %RUN_LIB% -out:zstd.lib *.obj
@REM ===== build UPX =====
cd %BDIR%\upx
set s=%H%\src
cat .GITREV.txt
set /p GITREV=<.GITREV.txt
set UPX_LIBS=%BDIR%\ucl\ucl.lib %BDIR%\zlib\zlib.lib
@rem set UPX_LIBS=%BDIR%\bzip2\bzip2.lib %BDIR%\ucl\ucl.lib %BDIR%\zlib\zlib.lib %BDIR%\zstd\zstd.lib
set sources=%s%\*.cpp %s%\check\*.cpp %s%\compress\*.cpp %s%\console\*.cpp %s%\filter\*.cpp %s%\util\*.cpp
%RUN_CL% -J -O2 -W4 -WX -std:c++17 -Zc:__cplusplus -EHsc -DUPX_VERSION_GITREV="""%GITREV%""" %DEFS% %UPX_DEFS% -I%H%\vendor -Feupx.exe %sources% %UPX_LIBS% /link ${{ matrix.link_machine_flags }} setargv.obj
- name: Make artifact
shell: bash
run: |
N=$(echo "upx-${GITHUB_REF_NAME}-${GITHUB_SHA:0:7}-windows-${{ }}" | sed 's/[^0-9a-zA-Z_.-]/-/g')
mkdir -p "tmp/artifact/$N/$B"
cp -ai build/$C/$B/upx/upx*.exe "tmp/artifact/$N/$B"
(cd tmp/artifact && tar --sort=name --zstd -cf "$N.tar.zst" "$N" && rm -rf "./$N" && ls -la && zstd -tq "$N.tar.zst")
echo "artifact_name=$N" >> $GITHUB_ENV
- name: ${{ format('Upload artifact {0}', env.artifact_name) }}
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
with: { name: '${{ env.artifact_name }}', path: tmp/artifact }
job-linux-zigcc: # uses cmake + make
needs: [ job-rebuild-and-verify-stubs ]
fail-fast: false
# only build a few selected targets => more targets are tested in the Weekly CI
- { zig_target: aarch64-linux-musl, qemu: qemu-aarch64 }
- { zig_target: aarch64-macos.11.0-none }
- { zig_target: aarch64-windows-gnu }
- { zig_target: arm-linux-musleabihf, zig_flags: -mcpu=cortex_a5, qemu: qemu-arm }
- { zig_target: armeb-linux-musleabihf, zig_flags: -mcpu=cortex_a5, qemu: qemu-armeb }
- { zig_target: i386-linux-gnu.2.3.4, zig_flags: -march=i586 }
- { zig_target: i386-linux-musl, zig_flags: -march=i586, qemu: qemu-i386 }
- { zig_target: i386-windows-gnu }
- { zig_target: mips-linux-musl, qemu: qemu-mips }
- { zig_target: mips-linux-muslsf, zig_flags: -msoft-float, qemu: qemu-mips }
- { zig_target: mipsel-linux-musl, qemu: qemu-mipsel }
- { zig_target: mipsel-linux-muslsf, zig_flags: -msoft-float, qemu: qemu-mipsel }
- { zig_target: powerpc-linux-musl, qemu: qemu-ppc }
- { zig_target: powerpc64-linux-musl, qemu: qemu-ppc64 }
- { zig_target: powerpc64le-linux-musl, qemu: qemu-ppc64le }
- { zig_target: x86_64-linux-gnu.2.3.4, qemu: qemu-x86_64 } # can use QEMU because of gcompat
- { zig_target: x86_64-linux-musl, qemu: qemu-x86_64 }
- { zig_target: x86_64-macos.11.0-none }
- { zig_target: x86_64-windows-gnu }
name: ${{ format('zigcc {0} {1}', matrix.zig_target, matrix.zig_pic) }}
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
container: ${{ contains(matrix.zig_target, 'armeb-') && 'alpine:3.19' || 'alpine:3.20' }} # qemu-armeb bug
# zig is currently missing winpthreads; see
UPX_CONFIG_EXPECT_THREADS: ${{ contains(matrix.zig_target, '-windows') && 'OFF' || 'ON' }}
# for zig-cc wrapper scripts (see below):
ZIG_FLAGS: ${{ matrix.zig_flags }}
ZIG_PIC: ${{ matrix.zig_pic }}
ZIG_TARGET: ${{ matrix.zig_target }}
- name: Install Alpine Linux container packages
if: ${{ job.container }}
shell: sh
run: |
apk update && apk upgrade && apk add bash cmake curl file git make parallel tar util-linux xz zstd
# set PATH like in Ubuntu
echo "PATH=$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH" >> $GITHUB_ENV
git config --global --add '*' # needed when running in a container
mkdir -p ~/.parallel && : > ~/.parallel/$(echo 6305-4721 | tr 0-7 leticlwi)
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
with: { submodules: true }
- name: ${{ format('Install Zig {0}', env.ZIG_DIST_VERSION) }}
shell: bash
run: |
rev=$(git rev-parse --short=7 HEAD)
if [[ "${{ matrix.zig_target }}" == i386-linux-gnu.2.3.4 ]]; then
echo "UPX_CONFIG_DISABLE_SHARED_LIBS=ON" >> $GITHUB_ENV # zig problem when linking in Debug mode
if [[ "${{ matrix.zig_target }}" == x86_64-linux-gnu.2.3.4 ]]; then
# TODO FIXME: problem with self-packed upx and musl+gcompat: "Not a valid dynamic program"
# install zig; note that ~/.local/bin is included in the default $PATH on Ubuntu
mkdir -p -v ~/.local/bin
cd ~/.local/bin
curl -sS -L -O${ZIG_DIST_NAME}.tar.xz
ls -l ${ZIG_DIST_NAME}.tar.xz
tar -xoJf ${ZIG_DIST_NAME}.tar.xz
rm ${ZIG_DIST_NAME}.tar.xz
ln -s -v ${ZIG_DIST_NAME}/zig zig
#echo "PATH=$PATH" && which zig
echo -n 'zig version: '; zig version
# create wrapper scripts (needed for CMake)
log='set -x\n'
echo -e '#!/bin/sh\n'$log'exec zig ar "$@"' > zig-ar
echo -e '#!/bin/sh\n'$log'exec zig cc -target $ZIG_TARGET $ZIG_PIC $ZIG_FLAGS $ZIG_CPPFLAGS $ZIG_CFLAGS "$@"' > zig-cc
echo -e '#!/bin/sh\n'$log'exec zig c++ -target $ZIG_TARGET $ZIG_PIC $ZIG_FLAGS $ZIG_CPPFLAGS $ZIG_CXXFLAGS "$@"' > zig-cxx
echo -e '#!/bin/sh\n'$log'exec zig ranlib "$@"' > zig-ranlib
chmod +x zig-ar zig-cc zig-cxx zig-ranlib
ls -la; head zig-ar zig-cc zig-cxx zig-ranlib
# update ZIG_TARGET
ZIG_TARGET=${ZIG_TARGET/i386-/x86-} # i386 => x86
ZIG_TARGET=${ZIG_TARGET/-muslsf/-musl} # muslsf => musl
# -fPIE is for compilation only => also use the correct linker flag "-pie"
# INFO: it seems the zig driver does handle this automatically(??), so not really needed
if test "X$ZIG_PIC" = "X-fPIE"; then true;
echo "ZIG_FLAGS=$ZIG_FLAGS --start-no-unused-arguments -pie --end-no-unused-arguments" >> $GITHUB_ENV
- run: set -x; zig version; zig-cc --version; zig-cxx --version
- run: zig-cc -E -x c -dM /dev/null # list predefined macros for C
- run: zig-cxx -E -x c++ -dM /dev/null # list predefined macros for C++
- name: ${{ format('Build Release with zig-cc -target {0} {1}', env.ZIG_TARGET, env.ZIG_PIC) }}
run: |
make UPX_XTARGET=zig/${ZIG_TARGET}${ZIG_PIC} xtarget/release \
CC="zig-cc" CXX="zig-cxx" CMAKE_AR="$HOME/.local/bin/zig-ar" CMAKE_RANLIB="$HOME/.local/bin/zig-ranlib"
file build/zig/${ZIG_TARGET}${ZIG_PIC}/release/upx*
- name: ${{ format('Build Debug with zig-cc -target {0} {1}', env.ZIG_TARGET, env.ZIG_PIC) }}
run: |
make UPX_XTARGET=zig/${ZIG_TARGET}${ZIG_PIC} xtarget/debug \
CC="zig-cc" CXX="zig-cxx" CMAKE_AR="$HOME/.local/bin/zig-ar" CMAKE_RANLIB="$HOME/.local/bin/zig-ranlib"
file build/zig/${ZIG_TARGET}${ZIG_PIC}/debug/upx*
- name: ${{ format('Make artifact from upx-{0}-{1}', github.ref_name, env.UPX_GITREV_SHORT) }}
shell: bash
run: |
N=$(echo "upx-${GITHUB_REF_NAME}-${GITHUB_SHA:0:7}-zigcc-${{ matrix.zig_target }}${ZIG_PIC}" | sed 's/[^0-9a-zA-Z_.-]/-/g')
mkdir -p "tmp/artifact/$N"
if [[ "${{ matrix.zig_target }}" == *-linux* ]]; then
dirs="${ZIG_TARGET}${ZIG_PIC}/debug ${ZIG_TARGET}${ZIG_PIC}/release"
for d in $dirs; do DESTDIR="$PWD/tmp/artifact/$N/InstallWithCMake/InstallWithDestdir/$d" cmake --install build/zig/$d; done
for d in $dirs; do DESTDIR="$PWD/tmp/artifact/$N/InstallWithCMake/InstallWithDestdirAndStrip/$d" cmake --install build/zig/$d --strip; done
for d in $dirs; do cmake --install build/zig/$d --prefix "$PWD/tmp/artifact/$N/InstallWithCMake/InstallWithPrefix/$d"; done
for d in $dirs; do cmake --install build/zig/$d --prefix "$PWD/tmp/artifact/$N/InstallWithCMake/InstallWithPrefixAndStrip/$d" --strip; done
(cd build && shopt -s nullglob && cp -ai --parents */upx{,.exe} */*/*/upx{,.exe} "../tmp/artifact/$N")
if command -v hardlink >/dev/null; then (cd "tmp/artifact/$N" && hardlink .) fi
(cd tmp/artifact && tar --sort=name --zstd -cf "$N.tar.zst" "$N" && rm -rf "./$N" && ls -la && zstd -tq "$N.tar.zst")
echo "artifact_name=$N" >> $GITHUB_ENV
- name: ${{ format('Upload artifact {0}', env.artifact_name) }}
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
with: { name: '${{ env.artifact_name }}', path: tmp/artifact }
- name: Run install tests
if: ${{ contains(matrix.zig_target, '-linux') }}
run: |
(cd build/zig/${ZIG_TARGET}${ZIG_PIC}/release && DESTDIR="$PWD/Install with cmake" cmake --install .)
(cd build/zig/${ZIG_TARGET}${ZIG_PIC}/release && DESTDIR="$PWD/Install with make" make install)
- name: Run ctest tests
if: ${{ matrix.zig_target == 'i386-linux-musl' || matrix.zig_target == 'x86_64-linux-musl' || matrix.zig_target == 'x86_64-linux-gnu.2.3.4' }}
run: |
test -n "$NEED_GCOMPAT" && apk add gcompat
jobs="${ZIG_TARGET}${ZIG_PIC}/debug ${ZIG_TARGET}${ZIG_PIC}/release"
echo "===== parallel jobs: $jobs"
parallel -kv --lb 'make build/zig/{}+test' ::: $jobs
- name: Mimic ctest tests
if: ${{ matrix.zig_target == 'i386-linux-musl' || matrix.zig_target == 'x86_64-linux-musl' || matrix.zig_target == 'x86_64-linux-gnu.2.3.4' }}
run: |
test -n "$NEED_GCOMPAT" && apk add gcompat
jobs="${ZIG_TARGET}${ZIG_PIC}/debug ${ZIG_TARGET}${ZIG_PIC}/release"
echo "===== parallel jobs: $jobs"
parallel -kv --lb 'cd build/zig/{} && bash ../../../../misc/testsuite/' ::: $jobs
- name: ${{ format('Mimic ctest tests with QEMU {0}', matrix.qemu) }}
if: ${{ matrix.qemu }}
run: |
qemu="${{ matrix.qemu }}"
apk add coreutils "${qemu%% *}"
test -n "$NEED_GCOMPAT" && apk add gcompat
export upx_exe_runner="$qemu"
jobs="${ZIG_TARGET}${ZIG_PIC}/debug ${ZIG_TARGET}${ZIG_PIC}/release"
echo "===== parallel jobs: $jobs"
parallel -kv --lb 'cd build/zig/{} && bash ../../../../misc/testsuite/' ::: $jobs
- name: Mimic ctest tests with Valgrind
if: ${{ matrix.zig_target == 'x86_64-linux-musl' || matrix.zig_target == 'x86_64-linux-gnu.2.3.4' }}
run: |
apk add coreutils valgrind
test -n "$NEED_GCOMPAT" && apk add gcompat
export upx_exe_runner="valgrind --leak-check=no --error-exitcode=1 --quiet --gen-suppressions=all"
upx_exe_runner="$upx_exe_runner --suppressions=$PWD/misc/valgrind/musl.supp"
jobs="${ZIG_TARGET}${ZIG_PIC}/debug ${ZIG_TARGET}${ZIG_PIC}/release"
echo "===== parallel jobs: $jobs"
parallel -kv --lb 'cd build/zig/{} && bash ../../../../misc/testsuite/' ::: $jobs
- name: Run file system tests
if: ${{ matrix.zig_target == 'i386-linux-musl' || matrix.zig_target == 'x86_64-linux-musl' || matrix.zig_target == 'x86_64-linux-gnu.2.3.4' }}
run: |
apk add coreutils sudo
test -n "$NEED_GCOMPAT" && apk add gcompat
jobs="${ZIG_TARGET}${ZIG_PIC}/debug ${ZIG_TARGET}${ZIG_PIC}/release"
echo "===== parallel jobs: $jobs"
parallel -kv --lb 'cd build/zig/{} && chmod a+w . && sudo -u nobody bash ../../../../misc/testsuite/' ::: $jobs