Twirl 1.6.0-M7
- #547 Scala 2.12.17 / 2.13.9 + scala-xml 2.1.0 by @mkurz
- #545 sbt-scalajs, scalajs-compiler, ... 1.11.0 (was 1.10.1) by @scala-steward
- #544 sbt-mima-plugin 1.1.1 (was 1.1.0) by @scala-steward
- #543 🔄 Synced file(s) with playframework/.github by @ihostage
- #542 scala3-compiler, scala3-library, ... 3.2.0 (was 3.1.3) by @scala-steward
- #540 scalameta 4.5.13 (was 4.5.12) by @scala-steward
- #539 scalameta 4.5.12 (was 4.5.11) by @scala-steward
- #538 scalafmt-core 3.5.9 (was 3.5.8) by @scala-steward
- #536 sbt-bloop 1.5.3 (was 1.5.2) by @scala-steward
- #537 scalatest 3.2.13 (was 3.2.12) by @scala-steward
- #535 scalameta 4.5.11 (was 4.5.9) by @scala-steward
- #534 sbt 1.7 by @mkurz
- #530 scala3-compiler, scala3-library, ... 3.1.3 (was 3.1.2) by @scala-steward
- #529 scala-compiler, scala-library 2.12.16 (was 2.12.15) by @scala-steward
- #531 scalafmt-core 3.5.8 (was 3.5.2) by @scala-steward
- #527 sbt-bloop 1.5.2 (was 1.5.0) by @scala-steward
- #528 sbt-scalajs, scalajs-compiler, ... 1.10.1 (was 1.10.0) by @scala-steward
- #532 scalameta 4.5.9 (was 4.5.7) by @scala-steward
- #525 Update to scala-xml 2.1.0 for all but scala 2.12 by @mrdziuban
- #524 scalameta 4.5.7 (was 4.5.6) by @scala-steward
- #523 GitHub actions last round + badges by @mkurz
- #521 Clean up publish.yml after all that testing by @mkurz
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🙇 Thanks to our contributors
Finally, thanks to the community for their help with detailed bug reports, discussions about new features and pull request reviews. This project is only possible due to the help we had from amazing contributors.
Special thanks to all code contributors who helped with this particular release (they are listed below)!