- The hardware must meet certain requirements to run a full node.
- 500 GB of free disk space
- Accessible at a minimum read/write speed of 100 MB/s
- 4 cores of CPU and 8 gigabytes of memory (RAM)
- Create dirs for ios node data
mkdir /data
mkdir /data/plasma
mkdir /data/plasma/ioncdt
mkdir /data/plasma/bios
mkdir /data/plasm/bios/wallet
docker pull plasmachain/ion.cdt
docker pull plasmachain/plasma-local-node
docker pull plasmachain/friedman-testnet
docker pull plasmachain/mainet
docker run -it --entrypoint /contacts/build.sh -v <contract source folder>:/contacts plasmachain/ion.cdt:latest
- Get file config.ini choice local node or testnet/mainet
cd config
- If testnet Setup the config file to configure our node
- You need to get an official account testnet or mainet on https://app.plasmapay.com/id/profile/developers
- Get test token on https://app.plasmapay.com/id/profile/developers
- Get P2P endpoint http://plasmadlt.com/monitor
- http-server-address = register the port on which the host will listen to http requests
- p2p-listen-endpoint = set the port on which the host will listen for p2p incoming connections. Also, the value of this parameter should be given to the network administrator, so that he would include this host in the list of p2p-peer-address addresses of all producer nodes of the network.
- p2p-peer-address fill in the list of p2p network producer nodes. It must be obtained from the network testnet or mainet from http://plasmadlt.com/monitor.
- agent-name set the name of the node.
- producer-name set the node name equal to the name of the account that the node owner received in step 1
- signature-provider - set the key values that the node owner received from https://app.plasmapay.com/id/profile/developers
- ion :: chain_api_plugin,
- ion :: http_plugin,
- ion :: net_api_plugin
- optional (ion :: history_plugin, ion :: history_api_plugin)
- Start the wallet service (wallet), command example
docker exec -i <network>-bios-node sol wallet import --private-key
- Create Wallet
docker exec -i <network>-bios-node sol wallet create --to-console
#You get your private key /bin/plk
Import private key
#import your private key
docker exec -i <network>-bios-node sol wallet import --private-key 5Hw6Hx****
Get public key
#Now you get public key
docker exec -i <network>-bios-node sol wallet create_key
Created new private key with a public key of: PLASMA6pGFs***
Create account with Public Key
docker exec -i <network>-bios-node sol create account PLASMA6pGFs***
Create account name
docker exec -i <network>-bios-node sol create account hello PLASMA6pGFs***
executed transaction: b11f180bb***.... 200 bytes 2101 us
# ion <= ion::newaccount {"creator":"ion","name":"hello","owner":{"threshold":1,"keys":[{"key":"PLASMA6p****...
- Start the ionode process, sample command
docker exec -i <network>-bios-node ionode -e -p ion --delete-all-blocks
- After the node has played all the blocks of blockchain and created its own replica, the following commands can be executed as a command line utility as a test
docker exec -i <network>-bios-node sol get table plasma.token EURP stat
docker exec -i <network>-bios-node sol get account plasma.token
docker exec -i <network>-bios-node sol get abi plasma.token
- Check if you can access you node using link http://you_server:your_http_port/v1/chain/get_info
- If you would like to run a Block Producer node you need register your node at https://plasmadlt.com/#register
- Create Contract Hello world
mkdir hello
cd hello
Create contract in directory hello.cpp, collected contracts will be in the folder /build
#include <ion/ion.hpp>
using namespace ion;
class [[ion::contract]] hello : public contract {
using contract::contract;
void hi( name user ) {
print( "Hello, ", user);
- Publishing contract
docker exec -i <network>-bios-node sol set contract hello .../hello -p hello@active
Reading WASM from ..../hello/hello.wasm...
Publishing contract...
executed transaction: 95c92e2e***... 672 bytes 4891 us
# ion <= ion::setcode {"account":"hello","vmtype":0,"vmversion":0,"code":"006173****...
# ion <= ion::setabi {"account":"hello","abi":"0c696f6e3a3a6****...
- Push Action on contract
docker exec -i <network>-bios-node sol push action hello hi '["123"]' -p hello@active
executed transaction: 7bd013....*** 104 bytes 1499 us
# hello <= hello::hi {"user":"123"}
>> Hello, 123