ritalic is an R package which gives you access to ITALIC mediated data via its RESTful API.
ITALIC the Information System on Italian Lichens, makes available information and resources about the lichens known to occur in Italy and bordering countries. It is maintained and updated by the Research Unit of Professor Pier Luigi Nimis, at the University of Trieste (NE Italy), Department of Life Sciences. Most of the data are derived from the Checklist of the Lichens of Italy by Nimis (2016), but nomenclatural and distributional data are being continuously updated.
You can either install the stable relase of ritalic using the version available on CRAN:
# install ritalic
# load ritalic
Or you can install the development version of the package from GitHub:
# install devtools package
# load devtools
# install ritalic
# load ritalic
# Now you can use the functions available in ritalic
Italic has a guide designed to help users: function and examples
Coming soon