PLAINEDIT takes markdown, evaluates code blocks with interpreters and prints the output of those processes to a different codeblock. Plain editor written in Bash, it's a single bash scripts with modular architecture opened for an extension scripts.
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đź‘‹ PlainEdit help
- dev/ops teams make daily tasks easier and clear with auto-documentated code
- students learn more effective with live tutorials with auto-deployed code
đź‘‹ Markdown syntax
- All the files are stored in a Git repository, each article is saved as a separated text file in Markdown syntax.
đź‘‹ File-based using a Git repository
- simply script easy to understand with basic functions
đź‘‹ Markdown-to-HTML converter: pandas
- It is so simple that it doesn't have any user management (KISS philosophy):
đź‘‹ All examples are rendered through one run in shell, supported languages:
- sh/bash + php + js + java + groovy
đź‘‹ Run Your code on remote server, supported environments:
- Docker + kubernetes
đź‘‹ Use an external API:
- github + gitlab + cloudflare + digitalcloud
Sourcecode - Usecases - Documentation - Roadmap - Offer