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Virtuoso OpenSource Edition

Patrick van Kleef edited this page Jan 9, 2019 · 3 revisions


DSN-less connections

Before calling the node-isql.js the script creates an environment variable called ODBC_CONNECT_STRING which concats the following key=value;key=value pairs to form the ODBC connect string.

    key              value

    DRIVER           /opt/virtuoso-opensource/lib/
    HOST             $VIRT_HOST
    UID              $VIRT_UID
    PWD              $VIRT_PWD
    WideAsUTF16      1
    CHARSET          UTF-8

resulting in:



$ docker run -i -t -e openlink/node-isql localhost:1234 demo

which the script interprets as:

  1. environment variable VIRT_HOST is specified and set to
  2. environment variable VIRT_UID is not set, so defaults to dba
  3. environment variable VIRT_PWD is not set, so defaults to dba
  4. argument 1 is supplied, so VIRT_HOST is set to localhost:1234
  5. argument 2 is supplied, so VIRT_UID is set to demo
  6. argument 3 is not supplied, so VIRT_PWD remains dba
  7. VIRT_HOST is rewritten from localhost:1234 to host.docker.internal:1234
    environment         value

    VIRT_HOST           host.docker.internal:1234
    VIRT_UID            demo
    VIRT_PWD            dba

and the final connect string is:

export ODBC_CONNECT_STRING="DRIVER=/opt/virtuoso-opensource/lib/;HOST=host.docker.internal.1234;UID=demo;PWD=dba;WideAsUTF16=1;CHARSET=UTF-8"