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Interface for positioning actuators controlled via EtherNet/IP protocol


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cpppo_positioner: SMC Actuator Control via RS-485

Control SMC Electric Actuators from Python

SMC produces a wide variety of Electric Actuators. These are controllable via Gateway Units, providing access via several industrial protocols such as DeviceNet, EtherNet/IP and ProfiBus.

These protocols are typically accessed using industrial control software and devices such as PLCs.

To control your SMC actuators directly from a Python program, you can skip the SMC Gateway, and directly access the actuator Controller using its native protocol. You can reduce the expense of your installation by eliminating the SMC Gateway, and you can run your own Python software on the same industrial computer used to communicate with the SMC actuator Controllers.

SMC Actuator and Gateway Protocol

The underlying protocol spoken by the SMC Electric Actuator Controllers themselves (and also the associated SMC Gateways) is simply Modbus/RTU, over an RS-485 serial multi-drop network.

Using cpppo_positioner, you can directly access multiple SMC electric actuator controllers (without an SMC Gateway), and:

  • issue multiple positioning operations in progress simultaneously
  • monitor any positioning operation for completion
  • set and clear any actuator Controller outputs
  • monitor all Controller status flags

The cpppo_positioner module allows control of the position of a set of actuators by initiating a connection to the RS-485 communication channel and issuing new position directives via each actuator’s controller. The current state is continuously polled via Modbus/RTU reads, and data updates and state changes are performed via Modbus/RTU writes.

Communication Limits and Hardware

The recommended hardware platform is the Lanner LEC-3013 industrial solid-state PC, which can be configured with up to 8 RS-485 ports, and communicate with up to 12 actuators per port (to minimize polling latency). In addition, the SMC LEC-W2 “Controller setting kit” comes with a USB-RS485 cable which may be used to communicate with additional actuators.

A custom harness is available with the the custom SMC RJ45 plug to RS-485 serial wiring, and an Emergency Stop button. One is required for each separate RS-485 connection (up to 12 actuators).

Therefore, as many as 100 SMC actuators could be controlled by a single cpppo_positioner installation running on a Lanner LEC-3013. If low latency (time to detect status changes) is not required, controlling even more than 100 actuators may be possible.

Installing Python and cpppo-positioner

Install a Python 3.9+ installation of your choice to run code using cpppo_positioner. On Windows, start a Terminal with PowerShell as Administrator, and run:

winget install -e --id Python.Python3.12 --scope machine

From PyPI

It is recommended that you don’t install this (or any) Python packages globally; create a Python venv virtual environment:

$ python -m venv SMC-Project
$ . ./SMC-Project/bin/activate
$ (SMC-Project) $ python -m pip install cpppo-positioner

On Windows Powershell:

PS> python -m venv SMC-Project
PS> Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope CurrentUser
PS> ./SMC-Project/Scripts/Activate.ps1
(SMC-Project) PS> python -m pip install cpppo_positioner

Note that the PyPI module name for the cpppo_positioner module is: cpppo-positioner (a dash, not an underscore). This is the PyPI convention for any Python module containing underscores.

Now, every time you wish to use your Python 3 + cpppo_positioner, activate the venv before attempting to run your Python code that attempts to import and use cpppo_positioner.

From Source

Cpppo_positioner requires pymodbus version 3.8.1. Until pymodbus integrates some fixes, it will not support RS-485 multi-drop; polling or writing multiple RS-485 servers (devices) from a single client will not work! Install if RS-485 multi-drop support is required.

Clone the cpppo_positioner.git repository:

$ git clone [email protected]:pjkundert/cpppo_positioner.git
$ cd cpppo_positioner

Obtain a Python 3.9+ interpreter, and create and enable a Python virtual environment (uses venv) containing the cpppo_positioner module:

make venv

Alternatively, set up your own Python 3 installation that allows pip installs, and:

$ python -m pip install .[all,tests]
$ python
>>> from cpppo_positioner import smc_modbus


Once you have a working Python 3 venv and activated it, and installed cpppo-positioner in it, you can use your cloned repository and some simulated RS-485 Pseudo-TTYs to verify that it passes its unit tests, verifying that the basic API is operational.

  1. Create a venv (eg. SMC-Project) and activate it with . ./SMC-Project/bin/activate
  2. Install cpppo-positioner in it with python -m pip install cpppo-positioner
  3. Clone the repository to eg. ~/src/...
  4. Start some PTYs eg. ttyV0… in a terminal using python -m cpppo_positioner.ttyV-setup
  5. Run the unit tests in the same directory where the ttyV0… files are using the repo:
(SMC-Project) $ SERIAL_TEST=ttyV python -m pytest -v --capture=no --log-cli-level=INFO \
    -k smc_ ~/src/cpppo_positioner

This will run the smc_ unit tests. If you skip the --log-cli-level=INFO, you’ll see something like:

================================ test session starts ================================
platform darwin -- Python 3.12.3, pytest-8.3.4, pluggy-1.5.0 -- /private/tmp/SMC-Project/bin/python3
cachedir: .pytest_cache
rootdir: /Users/perry/src/cpppo_positioner
collected 2 items


../../Users/perry/src/cpppo_positioner/ PASSED
../../Users/perry/src/cpppo_positioner/ PASSED

You’ll also see the traffic in the terminal you started the cpppo_positioner.ttyV-setup.

If you have ttyS0, … symbolic links in your current directory connected to USB RS-485 devices and they are wired together (GND, A+ and B- connected), you may substitute SERIAL_TEST=ttyS in the above unit test, and they should also pass.

Testing on Windows with USB-RS485 Devices

Plug in 2 USB-RS485 devices, and start the simulator in a Powershell Terminal:

PS> ./SMC-Project/Scripts/Activate.ps1
(SMC-Project) PS> python -m cpppo_positioner.simulator -v --actuator 1 --address COM3
Success; Started Modbus/RTU Simulator; PID = 5692; address = COM3

In another Powershell Terminal:

PS> ./SMC-Project/Scripts/Activate.ps1
(SMC-Project) PS> python -m cpppo_positioner --address COM4 -vv \
    '[1,"RESET"]' 1 '[1,"reset"]' 1

You should see I/O logging and the polled SMC Modbus/RTU Gateway status.

Windows Unit Testing

To test on Windows, plug in 2 USB-RS485 adapters; they should be automatically provisioned as COM3 and COM4. Ensure that the RS-485 adapters are wired together directly: A+- to A+, B- to B-, and GND to GND.

Run the unit tests w/ a normal level of logging:

PS> winget install --id Git.Git -e --source winget  # (Re-open the Terminal to update $PATH)
PS> ./SMC-Project/Scripts/Activate.ps1
(SMC-Project) PS> git clone
(SMC-Project) PS> cd cpppo_positioner
(SMC-Project) PS> python -m pip install .[all,tests]
(SMC-Project) PS> $env:SERIAL_TEST="COM"; python -m pytest -k position -v --capture=no --log-cli-level=25
---------------------------------------------------- live log call ----------------------------------------------------
NORMAL Using Actuator Simulator on COM4
WARNING Listen on server_listener...
NORMAL Communication established on server_listener
NORMAL Position: actuator   1 updated:         position:        0 (== [0, 0])
NORMAL Position: actuator   1 updated:    movement_mode:        1 (== [1])
NORMAL Position: actuator   1 updated:            speed:      500 (== [500])
NORMAL Position: actuator   1 updated:     acceleration:     5000 (== [5000])
NORMAL Position: actuator   1 updated:     deceleration:     5000 (== [5000])
NORMAL Position: actuator   1 updated:    pushing_force:        0 (== [0])
NORMAL Position: actuator   1 updated:    trigger_level:        0 (== [0])
NORMAL Position: actuator   1 updated:    pushing_speed:       20 (== [20])
NORMAL Position: actuator   1 updated:     moving_force:      100 (== [100])
NORMAL Position: actuator   1 updated:      in_position:      100 (== [0, 100])


A Python API is provided to implement positioning control for SMC actuators.

RS-485 I/O Device Setup

Your SMC actuator must be available via RS-485 from the computer. We assume that the actual underlying device is available via a symbolic link ttyS0 in the current directory. For example, if this is a USB RS-485 interface, it might actually be /dev/tty.usbserial-B0019I24; identify this device file, go to the directory in which you are going to running the cpppo_positioner code, and run:

$ ln -fs /dev/tty.usbserial-B0019I24 ttyS0

Alternatively, specify the address parameter when calling smc.smc_modbus().


This class is the gateway for accessing multiple SMC positioning actuators connected via RS-485 serial. The serial port parameters are /dev/ttyS1, 38400 Baud, 8 bits, 1 stop, no parity, and a .25s poll rate. These can all be specified as keyword arguments. See cpppo_positioner/ for details.

from cpppo_positioner import smc
gateway		= smc.smc_modbus()  # Assumes "ttyS0" is the Modbus device
addressThe serial port device address, default “ttyS1”
timeoutThe RS-485 I/O timeout, default .075s
baudrateDefault 38,400
stopbitsDefault 1
bytesizeDefault 8
parityDefault is no parity
rateAdjust to optimize load, RS-485 capacity, latency, default .25s

Nothing will be polled until the first attempt to interact with an actuator. Once an actuator is identified, the smc_modbus class will attempt to poll it at the specified rate

If an operation raises an Exception, it is expected that you will discard the instance and create a new one.

.alarm – Test for alarm condition

The .alarm returns the current ALARM condition (in reverse logic) if the device is available, or None:

NoneNo ALARM condition value available
0ALARM condition is Set
!0ALARM condition is Clear
alarm_value = gateway.alarm( actuator=1 )  # Detect ALARM value, and if Set then clear it
actuator1The actuator number to operate on
forgetTrueIgnore the current stored value, and attempt to poll within timeout
resetTrueIf ALARM condition found to be Set, clear it
timeoutNoneAllowed number of seconds to complete (forever if None)

.position – Complete operation, Initiate new position

The .position method checks that any current position operation is complete, and then sends any new position data, starting the new position operation. If no new data is provided (eg. only actuator and/or timeout provided), then only the operation completion is checked; no new positioning operation is initiated.

gateway.position( actuator=1, timeout=10.0, position=12345, speed=100, ... )
actuator1The actuator number to operate on
svoffFalseIf positioning complete, turn off servo
noopFalseDon’t return home, write new step data but don’t initiate
timeoutNoneAllowed number of seconds to complete (forever if None)

The full set of positioning parameters defined by the SMC actuator is:

movement_mode1: absolute, 2: relative
position.01 mm+/-2147483647
area_1.01 mm+/-2147483647
area_2.01 mm+/-2147483647
in_position.01 mm1-2147483647

It is recommended to specify all the values at least for the initial positioning; any values not specified in subsequent position calls will not be changed.

To just confirm that a previous positioning operation has completed:

.position( actuator=1, timeout=3 ) # success if completes w/in 3 seconds
.position( actuator=1, svoff=True, timeout=3 ) # ... and turn off servo

To check for completion and then return to home position within timeout:

.position( actuator=1, home=True, timeout=3 )

To check for completion then (without returning to home position), initiate new positioning operation to 150.00mm, within timeout of 3 seconds:

.position( actuator=1, position=15000, timeout=3 )

.complete – Check for completion

Confirms that any previous actuator positioning operation is complete, by monitoring the BUSY flag (not the INP flag, as erroneously indicated by the LEC Modbus RTU op Manual.pdf documentation).

If you wish, you may invoke the .complete method directly (instead of implicitly at the beginning of every .position invocation).

actuator1The actuator number to operate on
timeoutNoneAllowed number of seconds to complete (forever if None)
svoffFalseIf positioning complete, turn off servo

To check for completion and then disable servo within timeout of 3 seconds:

complete( actuator=1, svoff=True, timeout=3 )

.outputs – Set/clear outputs (Coils)

Modifies one or more named outputs (Coils) on the specified actuator; a variable number of positional parameters:

gateway.outputs( "hold", "RESET", actuator=1 )  # clears HOLD, and sets RESET on SMC #1
*flags[]Positional parameters for each flag to “SET” or “reset”
actuator1The actuator number to operate on

.status – Return full status and position data

Returns the current complete set of status and data values for the actuator. If any value has not yet been polled, it will be None.

actuator1The actuator number to operate on

Here is an example (formatted for readability):

.status( actuator=1 )
    "X40_OUT0": false,
    "X41_OUT1": false,
    "X42_OUT2": false,
    "X43_OUT3": false,
    "X44_OUT4": false,
    "X45_OUT5": false,
    "X48_BUSY": false,
    "X49_SVRE": false,
    "X4A_SETON": false,
    "X4B_INP": false,
    "X4C_AREA": false,
    "X4D_WAREA": false,
    "X4E_ESTOP": false,
    "X4F_ALARM": false,
    "Y10_IN0": false,
    "Y11_IN1": false,
    "Y12_IN2": false,
    "Y13_IN3": false,
    "Y14_IN4": false,
    "Y15_IN5": false,
    "Y18_HOLD": false,
    "Y19_SVON": false,
    "Y1A_DRIVE": false,
    "Y1B_RESET": false,
    "Y1C_SETUP": false,
    "Y1D_JOG_MINUS": false,
    "Y1E_JOG_PLUS": false,
    "Y30_INPUT_INVALID": false,
    "acceleration": 0,
    "area_1": 0,
    "area_2": 0,
    "current_position": 0,
    "current_speed": 0,
    "current_thrust": 0,
    "deceleration": 0,
    "driving_data_no": 0,
    "in_position": 0,
    "movement_mode": 0,
    "moving_force": 0,
    "operation_start": 0,
    "position": 0,
    "pushing_force": 0,
    "pushing_speed": 0,
    "speed": 0,
    "target_position": 0,
    "trigger_level": 0

.close – Terminate polling of serial port, close device

Ceases I/O to all actuators on RS485 circuit and releases the serial device.

Command- or Pipe-line usage

An executable module entry point (python -m cpppo_positioner), and a convenience executable script (cpppo_positioner) are supplied.

If your application generates a stream of actuator position data, or if you have some manual positions you wish to move to, you can use the command-line interface. You may supply one or more actuator positions in blobs of JSON data (an actual position would have more entries, such as acceleration, deceleration, timeout, …). Here’s an example that works on Posix system shells (eg. bash on Linux, macOS):

$ position='{ "actuator": 0, "position": 12345, "speed": 100 }'

These positions may be supplied either as single parameters on the command line, or as separate lines of input (if standard input is selected, by supplying a ‘-’ option):

$ ln -fs /dev/tty.usbserial-B0019I24 ttyS0  # or just use eg. COM3 on Windows
$ python -m cpppo_positioner --address ttyS0 -v "$position"
$ echo "$position" | cpppo_positioner -v -
JSON typedescription
numberdelay for the specified seconds
listset/clear the named outputs [<actuator>, “FLAG”, “flag”]
dictactuate the position (just check for completion if no position)

Here is an example of setting then clearing the RESET output, then beginning a position operation, and then waiting for it to complete in 10 seconds:

$ python -m cpppo_positioner -vv --address COM3 '[1,"RESET"]' 1 '[1,"reset"]' 1 \
   '{"actuator":1, "position":1000}' '{"actuator":1,"timeout":10}'

On Windows Powershell, this will be something like:

$ python -m cpppo_positioner -vv --address COM3 '[1,\"RESET\"]' 1 '[1,\"reset\"]' 1 \
   '{\"actuator\":1, \"position\":1000}' '{\"actuator\":1,\"timeout\":10}'

See cpppo_positioner/main.example for the text of such an example (run it using bash main.example, if you want to try it – it operates actuator #1!)

Quoting double-quotes on Windows Powershell

Note that on Windows Cmd or Powershell, it is very difficult to quote double-quote characters in strings. In Powershell, you need to use the back-slash + back-tick before each double-quote. Unexpectedly, using a single-quoted string does not allow you to contain double-quotes.

You can get double quotes into a string:

PS > $position = '{ "actuator": 0, "position": 12345, "speed": 100 }'
PS > $position
'{ "actuator": 0, "position": 12345, "speed": 100 }'
PS >

However, when you try to use them, they are re-interpreted on inclusion in a command:

PS > python -m cpppo_positioner -v "$position"
... Invalid position data: { actuator: 0, position: 12345, speed: 100 };
    Expecting property name: line 1 column 3 (char 2)

So, the only way to do this is to use the strange back-slash + back-tick double-escape, directly as a command-line argument:

PS > python -m cpppo_positioner -v '{ \`"actuator\`": 0, ... }'

Recommendation: use Linux or Mac, or install Cygwin and use bash on Windows. Trust me; this is just the tip of the iceberg…

Update on Windows Powershell Quoting

Powershell appears to have updated its escape handling. Using the $position environment variable approach still doesn’t work, but the following now works (oddly):

python -m cpppo_positioner -v '{ \"actuator\": 0, \"position\": 12345, \"speed\": 100 }'

SMC Gateway Simulator

A basic simulator of some of the Modbus/RTU I/O behaviour of an SMC actuator is implemented for testing purposes. To use, disconnect the SMC actuators, and re-connect the Lanner’s loop-back plug to the RS-485 harness RJ45 socket.

Ensure that either you have installed the cpppo_positioner, or are in the directory containing the cloned cpppo_positioner repository): To simulate an SMC positioning actuator 1 on ttyS1 (a symbolic link in the current directory to the actual RS-485 serial interface in /dev, eg. /dev/tty.usbserial-B0019I24):

$ python -m cpppo_positioner.simulator --address ttyS1 --actuator 1

Virtual Serial Devices

To run a simple Modbus/RTU simulator with some of the register addresses of SMC Actuators on a simulator virtual RS-485 network, you can use the cpppo_positioner.ttyV-setup script.

By default, this will create three virtual Pseudo-TTY devices in the current directory: ttyV0, ttyV1 and ttyV2. All traffic to any of these devices will be written to all of them. This simulates a rudimentary multi-drop RS-485 network for testing.

Use ttyV1, … as the target(s) for your cpppo_positioner.simulator server(s), instead of ttyS1 or your actual RS-485 I/O device address.

Use ttyV0 as the device to connect your cpppo_positioner

In a terminal, start the ttyV simulated serial device service like this:

$ . ./SMC-Project/bin/activate
(SMC-Project) $ python -m cpppo_positioner.ttyV-setup
ttyV0 -> /dev/ttys016
ttyV1 -> /dev/ttys017
ttyV2 -> /dev/ttys018

This will block, and when traffic begins to flow across the simulated ttyV... devices, you’ll see the number of bytes and which ttyV# port it arrived at and was sent to:

41 <-- ttyV1: 0x0103240000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000007ba1
41 --> ttyV0
41 --> ttyV2
8 <-- ttyV0: 0x000200480001380d
8 --> ttyV1
8 --> ttyV2

Simulated Positioning

Once your simulated RS-485 network:

(SMC-Project) $ python -m cpppo_positioner.ttyV-setup

is up and your simulator:

(SMC-Project) $ cpppo_positioner.simulator --address ttyV1 --actuator 1

is running, try to write to some registers with delays of 1 second between each:

(SMC-Project) $ python -m cpppo_positioner --address ttyV0 -vvv \
    '[1,"RESET"]' 1 '[1,"reset"]' 1

and send a positioning request:

(SMC-Project) $ python -m cpppo_positioner --address ttyV0 -vvv \
    '{ "actuator": 0, "position": 12345, "speed": 100 }'

You can use this to process a complex stream of commands, taking a stream of commands from standard input where the - is in the list, and then going to the final position after completing the stream of requests:

(SMC-Project) $ python -m cpppo_positioner --address ttyV0 -vvv \
    '{ <initial position> }' '# a comment, followed by a delay' 1.5 - '{ <final position> }'


Interface for positioning actuators controlled via EtherNet/IP protocol



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