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A set of tools and resources for evaluating and visualizing proposed districting plans.


Use Case

Before installing, it's important to determine your use case. For discrete evaluation tasks like measuring a district's compactness in a proposed plan, you want to install the tools. For a more thorough ensemble-based set of tools, check out this complementary library.


If you want to use this package to evaluate districting plans, the recommended way to install is by running

$ git clone

then navigate into the plan-evaluation-processing repository and run

$ python install

in your favorite CLI. This way, whenever changes are made, you can simply git pull and they will be immediately usable by all programs importing evaltools. Alternatively, you can install through pip using

$ pip install git+

although this may require frequent updating as the package iterates rapidly.

Example Usage

Let's say we want to create a "citizen ensemble" of districting plans – that is, the collection of (possibly incomplete) districting plans drawn and submitted by districtr users. To do so, we use the evaltools.processing subpackage.

import us
from evaltools.processing import submissions, tabularized

# Set the state.
state = us.states.WI

# Retrieve submissions and tabularize them.
subs = submissions(state)
plans, cois, written = tabularized(state, subs)

Now, plans, cois, and written are pandas DataFrames which contain districting plan, community of interest, and written submissions, respectively. Each of the DataFrames have the following columns:

Column Description
id districtr identifier.
type Type of submission.
title Title of the submission.
districttype If a districting plan, the legislative chamber for which it's drawn.
first, last, city Submitter name and location.
datetime Submission timestamp.
tags Submission tags.
numberOfComments, comments Number of comments and comment text.
text, draft Submission text; whether this submission is a draft.
link Link to plan.
units, unitsType Name of units; type of units (districtr-process).
tileset Location of the plan's tileset.
plan The actual mapping from unit unique identifiers to districts.

In the previous step, we saw how to get submissions from districtr and convert them into a tabular format. If we want to study the citizen ensemble defined by the submissions, we need to put the districting assignments on a common set of units: that's where the unitmap(), invert(), and remap() functions come in handy.

Suppose we have our tabular data tabs, and we want to convert each of the assignments in the plans["plan"] column to a common set of units. We first need a mapping from each unit type to a base set of units; typically, these are 2020 Census blocks. To create this mapping, we use the unitmap() function, which maps source geometries (blocks) to target geometries (VTDs):

import geopandas as gpd
import json
from evaltools.geography import unitmap, invert

# Read in geometric data.
vtds = gpd.read_file("<path>/<to>/<vtds>")
blocks = gpd.read_file("<path>/<to>/<blocks>")

# Create mapping from blocks to VTDs.
mapping = unitmap(blocks, vtds)

# Write the mapping to file.
with open("<path>/<to>/<destination>.json", "w"): json.dump(mapping, f)

Create a mapping for each set of units we wish to convert: for example, if the Wisconsin citizen ensemble has plans on 2020 VTDs, 2020 Precincts, and 2016 Precincts, we should have mappings from each of these units to 2020 blocks. Once these mappings have been created, we can use the remap() function on our plans (or cois) dataframes to convert the districting assignments to 2020 blocks.

import us
from evaltools.processing import submissions, tabularized, remap

# Set the state.
state = us.states.WI

# Retrieve submissions and tabularize them.
subs = submissions(state)
plans, cois, written = tabularized(state, subs)

# Create a dictionary of mappings for each unit type.
unitmaps = {
    "2020 VTDs": vtds20_to_blocks,
    "2020 Precincts": precincts20_to_blocks,
    "2016 Precincts": precincts16_to_blocks

# Re-map district assignments.
plans = remap(plans, unitmaps)

Here, we ensure that each of the keys in unitmaps corresponds to a unit type in plans["units"].

Compressing districtr submissions

In the previous step), we saw how to get submissions directly from the districtr database. Because each (plan- and COI-based) submission contains a districting assignment, the total size of these assignments can be prohibitively large. To help, we use the AssignmentCompressor class of the evaltools.processing package. Note that this compression is only necessary when the size (generally >20MB) of the saved assignment data file renders it impractical to easily store or share.

from evaltools.processing import AssignmentCompressor
import geopandas as gpd

# Get identifiers for the assignment we're compressing. This method
# of compression assumes all assignments are on the *same units*: in this case,
# we assume that all assignments are on 2020 Census blocks.
identifiers = gpd.read_file("<path>/<to>/<blocks>")["BLOCKS20"]

# Create a new compressor, which we'll use to compress all the assignments
# we've generated in previous steps.
ac = AssignmentCompressor(identifiers, location="<compressed>.ac")

# The first method of compressing districts uses the `with` statement to create
# a safe context from which we can read compressed objects to the compressor.
with ac as compressor:
    for assignment in plans["plan"]:

# The second method is just a wrapper for the above, which can help with code
# readability.

After compressing the plans, they'll be stored at the filepath in the location parameter of the call to AssignmentCompressor(). We can decompress them using the .decompress() method, ensuring that the identifiers are the same as those used during compression:


ac = AssignmentCompressor(identifiers, location="<compressed>.ac")

for assignment in ac.decompress():
    <do whatever!>


Reporting Statistics

Let's say we want to find the number of county pieces induced by a districting plan on VTDs; that is, the number of disjoint county chunks produced by the districting plan. First, we want to create a dual graph for the underlying geometries, where VTDID20 is the unique identifier for each VTD; also ensure the geometries have a column specifying a county assignment (typically, this column is something like COUNTYFP10, COUNTYFP20, COUNTY, etc.).

import geopandas as gpd
from evaltools.geography import dualgraph

vtds = gpd.read_file("<path>/<to>/<vtds>")
graph = dualgraph(vtds, index="VTDID20")

It is strongly recommended that users pre-compute dual graphs – especially those dual to large set of geometries, like Census blocks – as they are computationally expensive and time-consuming to compute.

Next, we want to find the number of county pieces are induced by the districting plan. We can do so using the pieces function from evaltools.evaluation, assuming that the dual graph has a column assigning each vertex to a districting plan:

from evaltools.evaluation import pieces
from evaltools import Partition, Graph

# Read in the dual graph and create a Partition object. In this case, the dual
# graph has a column called `"DISTRICT"` which assigns each vertex to a district.
graph = Graph.from_file("<path>/<to>/<graph>.json")
districts = Partition(graph, "DISTRICT")

# Find the number of county pieces: note that `pieces()` consumes a list of unit
# names, so if we want to find the number of county and block group splits,
# we can pass a column corresponding to block group assignments as well (e.g
chunks = pieces(districts, ["COUNTYFP20"])

chunks now contains a dictionary mapping the column names passed to the number of unit pieces induced by the districting plan; for example, a result of

chunks = {
    "COUNTYFP20": 16

indicates that the districting plan creates 16 pieces of county.


Read the documentation here. To create documentation after adding features, please ensure you're following the Google Python style guide, then run sh Pushing to the repository will modify the documentation automatically.


Tools for processing and evaluating districting plans.







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