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Refactor and improve Gulp tasks
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vladolaru committed May 19, 2022
1 parent cd8820e commit c4effdc
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Showing 8 changed files with 368 additions and 198 deletions.
177 changes: 8 additions & 169 deletions gulpfile.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,173 +1,12 @@
var plugin = 'nova-blocks',
gulp = require( 'gulp' ),
del = require( 'del' ),
fs = require( 'fs' ),
plugins = require( 'gulp-load-plugins' )(),
argv = require('yargs').argv,
cp = require('child_process');
const gulp = require( 'gulp' );

const HubRegistry = require( 'gulp-hub' );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Copy plugin folder outside in a build folder
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
function copyFolder() {
var dir = process.cwd();
return gulp.src( './*' )
.pipe( plugins.exec( 'rm -Rf ./../build; mkdir -p ./../build/' + plugin + ';', {
silent: true,
continueOnError: true // default: false
} ) )
root: dir,
destination: '../build/' + plugin + '/',
// archive: true,
progress: false,
silent: true,
compress: false,
recursive: true,
emptyDirectories: true,
clean: true,
exclude: ['node_modules']
copyFolder.description = 'Copy plugin production files to a build folder';
gulp.task( 'copy-folder', copyFolder );
/* load some files into the registry */
const hub = new HubRegistry( ['tasks/*.js'] );

/* tell gulp to use the tasks just loaded */
gulp.registry( hub );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Remove unneeded files and folders from the build folder
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
async function removeUnneededFiles() {
// Files that should not be present in build
const files_to_remove = [];
const contents = fs.readFileSync( '.zipignore', 'utf8' );

// Files that should not be present in build
contents.split(/[\r\n]/).forEach(function(path) {
path = path.trim();

// We will skip line starting with # since those are comments (as per the .gitignore standard).
if ( path && !path.startsWith('#') ) {
files_to_remove.push( '../build/' + plugin + '/' + path );

return del.sync( files_to_remove, {force: true} );
removeUnneededFiles.description = 'Remove unneeded files and folders from the build folder';
gulp.task( 'remove-unneeded-files', removeUnneededFiles );

function removeEmptyFolders(done) {
function cleanEmptyFoldersRecursively(folder) {
var fs = require('fs');
var path = require('path');

var isDir = fs.statSync(folder).isDirectory();
if (!isDir) {
var files = fs.readdirSync(folder);
if (files.length > 0) {
files.forEach(function(file) {
var fullPath = path.join(folder, file);

// re-evaluate files; after deleting subfolder
// we may have parent folder empty now
files = fs.readdirSync(folder);

if (files.length == 0) {
console.log("removing: ", folder);
cleanEmptyFoldersRecursively('./../build/' + plugin + '/');

return done();
removeEmptyFolders.description = 'Remove empty folders from the build folder';
gulp.task( 'remove-empty-folders', removeEmptyFolders );

function maybeFixBuildDirPermissions(done) {

cp.execSync('find ./../build -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \\;');

return done();
maybeFixBuildDirPermissions.description = 'Make sure that all directories in the build directory have 755 permissions.';
gulp.task( 'fix-build-dir-permissions', maybeFixBuildDirPermissions );

function maybeFixBuildFilePermissions(done) {

cp.execSync('find ./../build -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \\;');

return done();
maybeFixBuildFilePermissions.description = 'Make sure that all files in the build directory have 644 permissions.';
gulp.task( 'fix-build-file-permissions', maybeFixBuildFilePermissions );

function maybeFixIncorrectLineEndings(done) {

cp.execSync('find ./../build -type f -print0 | xargs -0 -n 1 -P 4 dos2unix');

return done();
maybeFixIncorrectLineEndings.description = 'Make sure that all line endings in the files in the build directory are UNIX line endings.';
gulp.task( 'fix-line-endings', maybeFixIncorrectLineEndings );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Replace the plugin's text domain with the actual text domain
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
function pluginTextdomainReplace() {
return gulp.src( ['../build/' + plugin + '/**/*.php', '../build/' + plugin + '/**/*.js', '../build/' + plugin + '/**/*.pot'] )
.pipe( plugins.replace( /__plugin_txtd/g, plugin ) )
.pipe( gulp.dest( '../build/' + plugin ) );
gulp.task( 'txtdomain-replace', pluginTextdomainReplace );

function buildSequence(cb) {
return gulp.series( 'copy-folder', 'remove-unneeded-files', 'remove-empty-folders', 'fix-build-dir-permissions', 'fix-build-file-permissions', 'fix-line-endings', 'txtdomain-replace' )(cb);
buildSequence.description = 'Sets up the build folder';
gulp.task( 'build', buildSequence );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Create the plugin installer archive and delete the build folder
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
function makeZip() {
var versionString = '';
// get plugin version from the main plugin file
var contents = fs.readFileSync("./" + plugin + ".php", "utf8");

// split it by lines
var lines = contents.split(/[\r\n]/);

function checkIfVersionLine(value, index, ar) {
var myRegEx = /^[\s\*]*[Vv]ersion:/;
if (myRegEx.test(value)) {
return true;
return false;

// apply the filter
var versionLine = lines.filter(checkIfVersionLine);

versionString = versionLine[0].replace(/^[\s\*]*[Vv]ersion:/, '').trim();
versionString = '-' + versionString.replace(/\./g, '-');

return gulp.src('./')
.pipe( plugins.exec('cd ./../; rm -rf ' + plugin[0].toUpperCase() + plugin.slice(1) + '*.zip; cd ./build/; zip -r -X ./../' + plugin[0].toUpperCase() + plugin.slice(1) + versionString + '.zip ./; cd ./../; rm -rf build'));
makeZip.description = 'Create the plugin installer archive and delete the build folder';
gulp.task( 'make-zip', makeZip );

function zipSequence(cb) {
return gulp.series( 'build', 'make-zip' )(cb);
zipSequence.description = 'Creates the zip file';
gulp.task( 'zip', zipSequence );
gulp.task( 'build', gulp.series( 'build:folder', 'build:fix', 'build:translate' ) );
gulp.task( 'zip', gulp.series( 'build:folder', 'build:fix', 'build:translate', 'build:zip' ) );

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