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Simple Github Action to parse Pixel Flavored gitOps tags

These tags are in a form of 8.1.3-fpm-bullseye_2 -> upstream_build-version

PixelFederation flavored semver strings

Semver strings generally contains Major.Minor.Patch plus additional info. Pixelfederation flavored semverstrings contains addtional _BuildNumber at the end e.g. 8.1.3-fpm-bullseye_2.

Semver GHA outputs

For a given input tag = 8.1.3-fpm-bullseye_2 this acction will output following strings.


- name: Parse tag semver string
  id: semver
  uses: pixelfederation/gh-action-semver-parser@wip
    tag: "8.1.3-fpm-bullseye_2"


pft = "8.1.3-fpm-bullseye_2"
ut = "8.1.3-fpm-bullseye"

mmp = "8.1.3"
mm = "8.1"

mmpr = "8.1.3-bullseye"
mmr = "8.1-bullseye"

m = "8"

release = "bullseye"

if GHA action can't parse semver string and is not able to find required fields it will set output to undefined.