Pitt - Miskov-Zivanov Lab
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- VIOLIN Public
VIOLIN (Validating Interactions Of Likely Importance to the Network) is a tool used to automatically classify and judge literature-extracted interactions curated from machine readers by comparing them to existing models. This comparison can help identify key interactions for model extension.
pitt-miskov-zivanov-lab/VIOLIN’s past year of commit activity - BioRECIPE Public
The BioRECIPE (Biological system Representation for Evaluation, Curation, Interoperability, Preserving, and Execution) representation format is introduced to facilitate seamless human-machine interaction when creating, verifying, evaluating, curating, and expanding executable models of intra- and intercellular signaling.
pitt-miskov-zivanov-lab/BioRECIPE’s past year of commit activity - FIDDLE Public
FIDDLE (Finding Interactions using Diagram Driven modeL Extension) is a tool to automatically assemble or extend models with the knowledge extracted from published literature. The two main methods developed as part of FIDDLE are called Breadth First Addition (BFA) and Depth First Addition (DFA), and they are based on network search algorithms.
pitt-miskov-zivanov-lab/FIDDLE’s past year of commit activity - CLARINET Public
CLARINET (CLARIfying NETworks) is a tool that equips modelers with a fast and reliable assistant to select the most relevant knowledge about the systems being modeled using graph-based approaches and literature occurrence metadata.
pitt-miskov-zivanov-lab/CLARINET’s past year of commit activity - ACCORDION Public
ACCORDION (ACCelerating and Optimizing model RecommenDatIONs) is a novel tool and methodology for rapid model assembly by automatically extending and evaluating dynamic network models with the information published in literature.
pitt-miskov-zivanov-lab/ACCORDION’s past year of commit activity - TernaryBody Public
pitt-miskov-zivanov-lab/TernaryBody’s past year of commit activity