Masked-Edittext android library EditText widget wrapper add masking and formatting input text functionality.
compile 'com.github.pinball83:masked-edittext:1.0.4'
You can choose using this widget thought declaring it in layout resource xml
app:mask="8 (***) *** **-**"
or programmatically create in source file
MaskedEditText maskedEditText = new MaskedEditText.Builder(context)
.mask("8 (***) *** **-**")
.iconCallback(unmaskedText -> { //Icon click callback handler })
MaskedEditText have following attributes
app:mask = "8 (***) *** **-**" //mask
app:notMaskedSymbol = "*" //symbol for mapping allowed placeholders
app:replacementChar = "#" //symbol which will be replaced notMasked symbol e.g. 8 (***) *** **-** will be 8 (###) ### ##-## by default it assign to whitespace
app:deleteChar = "#" //symbol which will be replaced after deleting by default it assign to whitespace
app:format = "[1][2][3] [4][5][6]-[7][8]-[10][9]" //set format of returned data input into MaskedEditText
app:maskIcon = "@drawable/abc_ic_clear_mtrl_alpha" //icon for additional functionality clean input or invoke additional screens
app:maskIconColor = "@color/colorPrimary" //icon tint color
Simple instance
MaskedEditText editText = new MaskedEditText.Builder(context)
.mask("8 (***) *** **-**")
.build();; //set mask to "8 (***) *** **-**" and not masked symbol to "*"
Text setup and formatting
MaskedEditText editText = new MaskedEditText..Builder(context)
.mask("8 (***) *** **-**")
.format("[1][2][3] [4][5][6]-[7][8]-[10][9]")//set format of returned data input into MaskedEditText
editText.setMaskedText("5551235567"); //set text into widget it will be look like 8 (555) 123 55-67
Invocation method getUnmaskedText() return 8 (555) 123 55-76 we swap to last digit
Widget instance with mask, icon button and callback
MaskedEditText editText = new MaskedEditText.Builder(context)
.mask("8 (***) *** **-**")
.iconCallback(unmaskedText -> { //Icon click callback handler })
Getting text
maskedEditText.getUnmaskedText() //return unmasked text
maskedEditText.getText() //return mask and text