gorest is a starter kit, written in Golang with Gin framework, for rapid prototyping and developing a RESTful API. The source code is released under the MIT license and is free for any personal or commercial project.
: production-ready
: breaking changes
: new functionality or bug fixes in a backwards compatible manner
Version 1.6.x
contains breaking changes!
Note: For version 1.4.5
(obsolete): v1.4.5
For all new projects, it is recommended to use version 1.7.x
or higher.
Go 1.21+
(for versions1.7.x
)Go 1.20+
(for versions1.6.x
- PostgreSQL
- SQLite3
- Redis
- MongoDB
Note: gorest uses GORM as its ORM
- built on top of Gin
- option to enable encryption at rest for user private information
- use the supported databases without writing any extra configuration files
- environment variables using GoDotEnv
- CORS policy
- basic auth
- two-factor authentication
- JWT using golang-jwt/jwt
- password hashing using
with optional secret (NIST 800-63B recommends using a secret value of at least 112 bits) - JSON protection from hijacking
- simple firewall (whitelist/blacklist IP)
- email validation (pattern + MX lookup)
- email verification (sending verification code)
- forgotten password recovery
- render
templates - forward error logs and crash reports to sentry.io
- handle authentication tokens on client devices' cookies
- logout (individually enable option - delete tokens from cookies, ban active tokens)
- rate limiting (IP-based)
- option to validate origin of the request
- super easy to learn and use - lots of example codes
- HS256: HMAC-SHA256
- HS384: HMAC-SHA384
- HS512: HMAC-SHA512
- ES256: ECDSA Signature with SHA-256
- ES384: ECDSA Signature with SHA-384
- ES512: ECDSA Signature with SHA-512
- RS256: RSA Signature with SHA-256
- RS384: RSA Signature with SHA-384
- RS512: RSA Signature with SHA-512
Procedures to generate HS256, HS384, HS512 keys using openssl:
- HS256:
openssl rand -base64 32
- HS384:
openssl rand -base64 48
- HS512:
openssl rand -base64 64
Procedures to generate public-private key pair using openssl:
- prime256v1: X9.62/SECG curve over a 256 bit prime field, also known as P-256 or NIST P-256
- widely used, recommended for general-purpose cryptographic operations
openssl ecparam -name prime256v1 -genkey -noout -out private-key.pem
openssl ec -in private-key.pem -pubout -out public-key.pem
- secp384r1: NIST/SECG curve over a 384 bit prime field
openssl ecparam -name secp384r1 -genkey -noout -out private-key.pem
openssl ec -in private-key.pem -pubout -out public-key.pem
- secp521r1: NIST/SECG curve over a 521 bit prime field
openssl ecparam -name secp521r1 -genkey -noout -out private-key.pem
openssl ec -in private-key.pem -pubout -out public-key.pem
openssl genpkey -algorithm RSA -out private-key.pem -pkeyopt rsa_keygen_bits:2048
openssl rsa -in private-key.pem -pubout -out public-key.pem
openssl genpkey -algorithm RSA -out private-key.pem -pkeyopt rsa_keygen_bits:3072
openssl rsa -in private-key.pem -pubout -out public-key.pem
openssl genpkey -algorithm RSA -out private-key.pem -pkeyopt rsa_keygen_bits:4096
openssl rsa -in private-key.pem -pubout -out public-key.pem
# syntax=docker/dockerfile:1
version: '3.9'
name: go
image: golang:latest
container_name: goapi
working_dir: /app/
restart: unless-stopped:10s
command: /app/goapi
- ''
- ./app:/app/
Please study the .env.sample
file. It is one of the most crucial files required
to properly set up a new project. Please rename the .env.sample
file to .env
and set the environment variables according to your own instance setup.
For version 1.6.x
, please check the project in example
For version 1.4.x
and 1.5.x
, Wiki (obsolete)
- convention over configuration
import (
gconfig "github.com/pilinux/gorest/config"
gcontroller "github.com/pilinux/gorest/controller"
gdatabase "github.com/pilinux/gorest/database"
gmiddleware "github.com/pilinux/gorest/lib/middleware"
- install a relational (SQLite3, MySQL or PostgreSQL), Redis, or Mongo database
- for 2FA, a relational + a redis database is required
- set up an environment to compile the Go codes (a quick tutorial for any Debian based OS)
- install
- check the Wiki and example for tutorials and implementations
Note: For MySQL driver, please check issue: 7
Note For SQLite3:
environment variables are not required.DBNAME
must contain the full or relative path of the database file name; i.e,
package | file | error code range |
controller | login.go | 1011 - 1012 |
controller | twoFA.go | 1041 - 1044 |
database | dbConnect.go | 150 - 155 , 161 |
handler | auth.go | 1001 - 1003 |
handler | login.go | 1013 - 1014 |
handler | logout.go | 1016 |
handler | passwordReset.go | 1021 - 1030 |
handler | twoFA.go | 1051 - 1056 |
handler | verification.go | 1061 - 1065 |
service | common.go | 401 - 406 |
service | security.go | 501 |
For testing:
export TEST_ENV_URL="https://s3.nl-ams.scw.cloud/ci.config/github.action/gorest.pilinux/.env"
export TEST_INDEX_HTML_URL="https://s3.nl-ams.scw.cloud/ci.config/github.action/gorest.pilinux/index.html"
export TEST_KEY_FILE_LOCATION="https://s3.nl-ams.scw.cloud/ci.config/github.action/gorest.pilinux"
export TEST_SENTRY_DSN="please_set_your_sentry_DSN_here"
go test -v -cover ./...
Please see CONTRIBUTING to join this amazing project.
Please see this document.
© Mahir Hasan 2019 - 2025
Released under the MIT license