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pijulius edited this page Oct 18, 2011 · 3 revisions

This page is all about the changes that have been committed (marked with +) and the ones that are still pending (marked with -) for a specified release.

CHANGES – 1.0pre

+ Added CSRF Protection
+ Added Blowfish crypt with fallback to MD5 crypt and then fallback to the old sh1 for passwords
+ Fixed deactivating template if deleting an other template in the template manager
+ Added reCaptcha option for forms with theme and language support
+ Renamed Keywords to Tags on the frontend
+ Changed paginating to show “Page X of X” instead of just “Pages”
+ Added paginating option to comments (see Global Settings).
+ Added code profiling using xDebug (to turn it on add define(‘DEBUG’, true); to your or
+ Added real API with hooks
+ Added option to link menus to multiple blocks
+ Added priorities to user groups and if user given access to other users one will only have access to his own group and the other groups that are below his group
+ Added possibility to define file storage directory for uploads in the dynamic forms and also possibility to protect directory from public access
+ Added icon parameter to modules::register so you can create even smaller modules without having to write your own css to customize the modules icon. Also this allows modules to be used as extensions now with the new API.
+ Added HTML Emails to the Global Email settings which will turn on the system wide email system to HTML emails so you can customize the emails even further.
+ Added new Comments at Glance section to easily manage/moderate all your comments from one place
+ Updated all jQuery plugins
+ Updaded ckEditor to 3.6.2 (revision 7275)

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