OpenStreetMap Quality Analysis Tools
PostgreSQL Library with PostGIS functions to analyze and transform OpenStreetMap Building data.
See the Prerequisites on the Installation page
The main functions are:
Building Analysis
- OQ_Analysis_Table_Warnings_Error_Flags.sql Buildings irregular geometry warnings and error flags.
- Documentation
- see sql/test directory for more examples
Orthogonal Transformations
- OQ_Orthogonal.sql PRELIMINARY VERSION PostgreSQL Function (id, linestring geometry) Orthogonal Angles corrections - For each row, a JSON variable contains Results (ie, angles, angles corrected, linestring revised. Other procedures can analyse / transform the data, list Node ID's that need revision plus new geometry.
Sample data and Tests
- OQ_sample_data.sql provides the postgis sample tables
- OQ_Test1.sql contains tests for various functions and Orthogonalisation examples plus GeoJSON outputs.
- GeoJson sample results (Source OSM Data, license ODbL)
GNU General Public License v3.0
Type of problems detected