Version 0.12.1
Total issues resolved: 18
- 401: Use argument arrays for phpmnd's exclude options
- 403: Improve phpstan configuration
- 405: Add infection task
- 406: max_body_width setting of git task also is applied to commented lines
- 407: Ignore max body width for commented lines in the commit message
- 408: Update
- 411: Only add DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR if needed
- 415: Add task for composer-require-checker
- 417: Fix undefined property
- 418: Fix task lists in README and task docs
- 419: CloverCoverageTask; fixing devided by 0 warning
- 421: Upgrade PHPUnit
- 424: Remove outdated docblock
- 427: Fix some PSR2 violations
- 429: Fix minimum PHP version and compatibility
- 430: [Infection Task\ Configuration key was documented twice
- 431: Remove composer suggestions
- 432: Add parse_constant and parse_custom_tags options to yamllint task