Updated library to hopefully work with the Arduino Library Manager
There is a mistake in the semver naming here, the version name should have been 2.0.0-dualsheilds in the library.properties file for Arduino Library Manager to work
The fix is in Version 3.0.1-dualsheilds
Note: This Release has a minor error in default pins for motor 2 the Library code reads _CS4 = 9; //analog 9 pin
should that read _CS4 = A9; // Analog 9 pin
This has been addressed in the Repo and will be included in a future release (expected in 3.0.2-dualsheilds). This error affects the Motor 2 current sense output on the second shield. User's using this release are recommended to edit DualVNH5019MotorShieldMod3.cpp
to correct this error, or to use one of the functions specifying the pins for the second shield board.