This is prototype code for building a behaviour tree from examples of expert behaviour. This code is explained in the accompanying paper Building Behavior Trees from Observations in Real-Time Strategy Games.
To run, this code requires:
- MEME Suite v4.10.0_4 modified to allow for larger alphabets (modifications included here).
- XStream v1.4.7 for serialisation of trees.
- Apache Commons IO and Collections.
As it is currently set up to work with Starcraft data, it also requires:
- Starcraft gameplay traces as recorded by ScExtractor.
- A JDBC driver to read the Starcraft databases.
- JNIBWAPI v1.0 for Starcraft data handling (included here).
This is very much research code. No guarantees are provided that this code will/won't do anything at all. Use at own risk.
My code is licensed under the MIT license. However, this project relies on modified code from the MEME Suite which has a separate license. The modified parts of MEME code and MEME license are available in the meme_4.10.0 directory.