This library provides an easy-to-use interface for interacting with the ElternPortal system, a platform for school-parent communication in Germany.
- Authentication: Securely log in to the ElternPortal system
- Kid Management: Set and retrieve information about children linked to the account
- School Information: Fetch various details about the school
- Announcements: Get updates from the school's bulletin board (Schwarzes Brett)
- Calendar: Retrieve school events and schedules
- Parent Letters: Access and download parent letters (Elternbriefe)
- Lost and Found: View items in the lost and found section
pnpm i @philippdormann/elternportal-api
import { getElternportalClient } from "@philippdormann/elternportal-api";
const client = await getElternportalClient({
short: "schoolcode",
username: "your_username",
password: "your_password",
kidId: 0, // Optional
const kids = await client.getKids();
const schoolInfo = await client.getSchoolInfos();
const posts = await client.getSchwarzesBrett(includeArchived);
const events = await client.getTermine(fromDate, toDate);
const timetable = await client.getStundenplan();
const lostItems = await client.getFundsachen();
const letters = await client.getElternbriefe();
const bulletinFile = await client.getSchwarzesBrettFile(fileId);
const letterFile = await client.getElternbrief(letterId);
const examSchedule = await client.getSchulaufgabenplan();
The library includes TypeScript definitions for various data structures:
(Calendar Event)Elternbrief
(Parent Letter)SchwarzesBrettBox
(Bulletin Board Item)ElternportalFile