The objective of this project is to streamline the interviewing process and facilitate the tracking of each candidate's performance across multiple interview rounds. Discussions with several interviewers at Cisco have highlighted two main challenges:
- Identifying fresh questions for each interview
- Separately tracking individual skill levels and current hiring status
The application aims to provide GenAI text-based assiatance for various stages of Hiring. The applications implements the following features:
- Scan Resume to Get Skills
- Get Generated Questions for Skills
- Query Database using Natural Language
Base requirements to run the InterQ Application is:
git clone
Perform this step for a keeping the packages separated from the globally installed packages.
Install virtualenv if you haven't already:
pip install virtualenv
Create a virtual environment:
virtualenv <env_name>
Activate the virtual environment:
On Windows:
On Unix/macOS:
source <env_name>/bin/activate
Install Python>=3.10 (if you do not have it already). Ideally through a python version manager like pyenv. Earlier python versions are not supported. osx/linux: pyenv windows: pyenv-win
pip install poetry
poetry install
python -m spacy download en_core_web_sm
python -m nltk.downloader words stopwords
cd setup
sudo ./
poetry run python
The API Endpoint for Getting Skills from Resume is:
Send a POST Request with body as a Resume File
The API Endpoint for Getting Skills from Resume is:
Send a POST Request with the following JSON Body:
The API Endpoint that receives query in Natural Language, Converts into a Valid SQL Syntax, Runs over the DB and returns the result again in the Natural Language
Send a POST Request with the following JSON Body:
Ensure that you have access to the repository. If yes, make sure you have authorised your system using git token or credentials.
You can use pyenv to switch between different version of python. Alternatively, you can use Anaconda to create a complete different enviroment. It ensures that you have some basic essential packages pre-installed.
For setting up the React Frontend, follow the steps:
cd interQ-frontend
npm i
npm run dev
The application can be accessed on the link below: