- approx. time with medium fast internet connection: 15 minutes
- initial user/passwordd: Admin / admin
- BIBBOX/phenotips
- mySQL, offical mySQL container
- busybox, offical data container
- MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD = password, only used within the docker container
- MYSQL_DATABASE = name of the mysql database, typical phenotips. The DB file is stored in the mounted volume
- MYSQL_USER = name of the mysql user, typical phenotips
- MYSQL_PASSWORD = mysql user password, only used within the docker container
- the mysql datafolder /var/mysql will be mounted to /opt/apps/INSTANCE_NAME/var/mysql in your BIBBOX kit
- start your application in the dashboard
- phenotips will first intitialize its database (can take some minutes)
- in the distrubution wizard click on CONTINUE
- install the Phenotips Application interface by pressing INSTALL (this can take several minutes, up to a hour depending on your internet connectivity)
press CONTINUE. Further Phenotips components are now downloaded, maybe you run in a timeout, dont worry just login and the download of the components will continue
press CONTINUE in some screens and you should arive at
- Change the admin password and continue with your configuration, as described at https://phenotips.org/AdminGuide/UserAdministration
Have a nice ride with the new Admins youngtimer.