Lists of company wise questions available on leetcode premium. Every csv file in the companies directory corresponds to a list of questions on leetcode for a specific company based on the leetcode …
FedML - The Research and Production Integrated Federated Learning Library:
A GAN based framework for adding and removing medical evidence in 3D volumetric medical scans
Cracking the Coding Interview 6th Ed. C++ Solutions
A no-BS, dead-simple training visualizer for tf-keras
View volumetric (3D) medical images in Jupyter notebooks
PriMIA: Privacy-preserving Medical Image Analysis
text detection mainly based on ctpn model in tensorflow, id card detect, connectionist text proposal network
A tensorflow implementation of EAST text detector
Implementation of "Abnormality Detection in Chest X-ray Images Using Uncertainty Prediction Autoencoders" in MICCAI 2020.
Generative Probabilistic Novelty Detection with Adversarial Autoencoders
Code for reproducing f-AnoGAN training and anomaly scoring
Code for the CVPR 2020 paper 'Old is Gold: Redefining the Adversarially Learned One-Class Classifier Training Paradigm'
A quick start for building P5 sketches in Electron.
Code repository for our paper "Failing Loudly: An Empirical Study of Methods for Detecting Dataset Shift":
Evaluating model decay as the underlying concepts for classification evolve
500 AI Machine learning Deep learning Computer vision NLP Projects with code
Code for the paper "Adversarial Attacks Against Medical Deep Learning Systems"
Y-Net: A deep Convolutional Neural Network to Polyp Detection
Y-Net: Joint Segmentation and Classification for Diagnosis of Breast Biopsy Images
a pytorch code about Residual Attention Network. This code is based on two projects from
Deep learning Brain tumor segmentation, BRATS2019
Multi-label Cloud Segmentation Using a Deep Network
Tez is a super-simple and lightweight Trainer for PyTorch. It also comes with many utils that you can use to tackle over 90% of deep learning projects in PyTorch.