Fixed to Pharo 7/8/9 compatibility
ReadWriteLockTests >> testFailedReadShouldUnblockWrite
ReadWriteLockTests >> testFailedWriteShouldUnblockRead
- BlockClosure #ifError was deprecated on Pharo 9.
- I'm using "(BlockClosure canUnderstand: #onErrorDo:) ifTrue: ifFalse:" to keep compatibility.
ReadWriteLockTests >> testTerminatingReadWhichWaitingWriteAndAnotherRead
ReadWriteLockTests >> testTerminatingWriteWhichWaitingAnotherTwoWrites
By @MarcusDenker:
- When the process is terminating, it calls: #handleProcessTerminationOfWaitingContext:
- Due to the "full blocks" in Pharo9, "suspendedContext method" is not that method, but the method of the block (the "compiledBlock")
- So I change that to "suspendedContext home method pragmas do: "
- It was using "pragma keyword ", but that is old, it is "selector" now