Scans the auction house for unowned battle pets. Written by Timothy Johnson (RedHatter21). This GitHub repository contains fixes and updates by Phanx.
To install the addon from GitHub:
- Download the current repository as a ZIP file. (Long way: Click the green "Clone or download" button at the top of the page, then click "Download ZIP" in the popup.)
- Rename the folder it contains from "PetMarket-master" to "PetMarket".
- Copy the "PetMarket" folder into your AddOns folder.
- If you don't already have the Ace3 and LibPetJournal-2.0 libraries installed, either by themselves or embedded in other addons, you will need to download and install them as separate addons:
If you already have the original version of PetMarket installed, you should delete it first, as some files it contains are no longer used.
You can find the original version of PetMarket on CurseForge.