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An telegram bot for simple manager and ssh to your servers.

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A simple SSH manager and client for your servers, integrated with Telegram for easy control and monitoring.


  • Manage Servers: Add, list, and remove servers.
  • SSH Connection: Connect and execute commands on your servers via SSH.
  • Telegram Integration: Interact with your servers through Telegram commands.

Command-Line Options

  • --bot_token, -b: The Telegram bot token used for authentication with the Telegram API. This is required to interact with the Telegram bot.

    • Example: --bot_token "123456789:ABCdefGHIjklMNO_pQRstuVWxyZ"
  • --chat_id, -c: The Telegram chat ID where the bot will send messages. This is the chat where you'll interact with the bot.

    • Example: --chat_id "987654321"
  • --owner_ids, -o: Comma-separated list of owner chat IDs who have control over the bot. Only these users can execute bot commands.

    • Example: --owner_ids "111111111,222222222"
  • --path_privatekey, -p: Path to the SSH private key file used to authenticate with your servers. Ensure this key matches the public key configured on your servers.

    • Example: --path_privatekey "/home/user/.ssh/id_rsa"
  • --servers_file, -s: Path to the JSON file that contains the details of your servers. This file should be in the format expected by the bot.

    • Example: --servers_file "/path/to/servers.json"


  1. SSH Keys: Ensure your SSH keys are set up on each server you want to connect to.

  2. Configuration:

    • Make sure Node.js and npm are installed.
    • Run npm install to install the required dependencies.
  3. Run:

    • Start the bot with the following command:

      node bot.js --bot_token "your-telegram-bot-token" --chat_id "your-chat-id" --owner_ids "comma-separated-owner-ids" --path_privatekey "/path/to/your/private/key" --servers_file "/path/to/servers.json"
    • Alternatively, use pm2 for process management:

      pm2 start bot.js --name telegram-ssh -- --bot_token "your-telegram-bot-token" --chat_id "your-chat-id" --owner_ids "comma-separated-owner-ids" --path_privatekey "/path/to/your/private/key" --servers_file "/path/to/servers.json"

Bot Commands

  • /ssh (index | user@host): Connect to a server by its index or user@host.
  • /list: Display the list of servers.
  • /current: Show the currently connected server.
  • /add (user@host -p port -pass password -n note -pri /path/to/private/key -keypass keypassword): Add a new server with the specified details.
  • /rm (index | user@host): Remove a server by its index or user@host.
  • /exit: Disconnect from the current server.


Setup servers

docker pull takeyamajp/ubuntu-sshd
docker run -d -p 2222:22 --name ubuntu-server02 -e ROOT_PASSWORD="my_password" takeyamajp/ubuntu-sshd
docker run -d -p 2223:22 --name ubuntu-server03 -e ROOT_PASSWORD="my_password" takeyamajp/ubuntu-sshd






  • Add detailed descriptions for each server entry (host, username, password, port, pathPrivateKey, note).
  • Support for custom ports.
  • Build to binary executable for simple setup (no need nodejs installed)
  • Implement try-catch blocks for SSH failures.
  • Automatically close sessions after a period of inactivity.