- Author: Pengyu Zhang
- Contact: [email protected]
- Description: This repo hosts the FPGA code and MacBook Pro software needed for running the FreeRider system. We demonstrate that FreeRider can inject data on top of existing 802.11g/n WiFi, Bluetooth, and ZigBee traffic.
- The source code of the FreeRider system is distributed under academic license to ensure the reproducibility of our results. The source code can NOT be used for commercial purpose.
backscattering_ofdm repo includes the code of doing codeword translation when the excitation signal is an 802.11g/n WiFi signal.
backscattering_bluetooth repo includes the code of doing codeword translation when the excitation signal is a Bluetooth signal.
backscattering_zigbee repo includes the code of doing codeword translation when the excitation signal is a ZigBee signal.
Backscatter Communication Using Commodity Radios
Pengyu Zhang, Colleen Josephson, Dinesh Bharadia, Sachin Katti
CoNEXT 2017