A package for easily working with US and state metadata.
- all US states and territories
- postal abbreviations
- Associated Press style abbreviations
- FIPS codes
- capitals
- years of statehood
- time zones
- phonetic state name lookup
- is contiguous or continental
- URLs to shapefiles for state, census, congressional districts, counties, and census tracts
As per usual:
pip install us
Easy access to state information:
>>> import us >>> us.states.MD <State:Maryland> >>> us.states.MD.fips '24' >>> us.states.MD.name 'Maryland' >>> us.states.MD.is_contiguous True
Includes territories too:
>>> us.states.VI.name 'Virgin Islands' >>> us.states.VI.is_territory True >>> us.states.MD.is_territory False
List of all (actual) states:
>>> us.states.STATES [<State:Alabama>, <State:Alaska>, <State:Arizona>, <State:Arkansas>, ... >>> us.states.TERRITORIES [<State:American Samoa>, <State:Guam>, <State:Northern Mariana Islands>, ...
And the whole shebang, if you want it:
>>> us.states.STATES_AND_TERRITORIES [<State:Alabama>, <State:Alaska>, <State:American Samoa>, ...
For convenience, STATES, TERRITORIES, and STATES_AND_TERRITORIES can be accessed directly from the us module:
>>> us.states.STATES [<State:Alabama>, <State:Alaska>, <State:Arizona>, <State:Arkansas>, ... >>> us.STATES [<State:Alabama>, <State:Alaska>, <State:Arizona>, <State:Arkansas>, ...
Some states like to be fancy and call themselves commonwealths:
>>> us.states.COMMONWEALTHS [<State:Kentucky>, <State:Massachusetts>, <State:Pennsylvania>, <State:Virginia>]
There's also a list of obsolete territories:
>>> us.states.OBSOLETE [<State:Dakota>, <State:Orleans>, <State:Philippine Islands>]
The state lookup method allows matching by FIPS code, abbreviation, and name:
>>> us.states.lookup('24') <State:Maryland> >>> us.states.lookup('MD') <State:Maryland> >>> us.states.lookup('md') <State:Maryland> >>> us.states.lookup('maryland') <State:Maryland>
Get useful information:
>>> state = us.states.lookup('maryland') >>> state.abbr 'MD'
And for those days that you just can't remember how to spell Mississippi, we've got phonetic name matching too:
>>> us.states.lookup('misisipi') <State:Mississippi>
You want shapefiles too? As long as you want 2010 shapefiles, we've gotcha covered.
>>> urls = us.states.MD.shapefile_urls() >>> sorted(urls.keys()) ['block', 'blockgroup', 'cd', 'county', 'state', 'tract', 'zcta'] >>> urls['block'] 'https://www2.census.gov/geo/tiger/TIGER2010/TABBLOCK/2010/tl_2010_24_tabblock10.zip'
The shapefile_urls() method on the State object generates shapefile URLs for the following regions:
- block
- blockgroup
- census tract (tract)
- congressional district (cd)
- county
- state
- zcta
Mappings between various state attributes are a common need. The mapping() method will generate a lookup between two specified fields.
>>> us.states.mapping('fips', 'abbr') {'01': 'AL', '02': 'AK', '04': 'AZ', '05': 'AR', '06': 'CA', ... >>> us.states.mapping('abbr', 'name') {'AL': 'Alabama', 'AK': 'Alaska', 'AZ': 'Arizona', 'AR': 'Arkansas', ...
This method uses us.STATES_AND_TERRITORIES as the default list of states it will create a mapping for, but this can be overridden by passing an additional states argument:
>>> us.states.mapping('fips', 'abbr', states=[us.states.DC]) {'11': 'DC'}
Washington, DC does not appear in us.STATES or any of the related state lists, but is often treated as a state in practice and should be granted statehood anyway. DC can be automatically included in these lists by setting a DC_STATEHOOD environment variable to any truthy value before importing this package.
When you need to know state information RIGHT AWAY, there's the states script.
$ states md *** The great state of Maryland (MD) *** FIPS code: 24 other attributes: ap_abbr: Md. capital: Annapolis capital_tz: America/New_York is_contiguous: True is_continental: True is_obsolete: False name_metaphone: MRLNT statehood_year: 1788 time_zones: America/New_York shapefiles: tract: https://www2.census.gov/geo/tiger/TIGER2010/TRACT/2010/tl_2010_24_tract10.zip cd: https://www2.census.gov/geo/tiger/TIGER2010/CD/111/tl_2010_24_cd111.zip county: https://www2.census.gov/geo/tiger/TIGER2010/COUNTY/2010/tl_2010_24_county10.zip state: https://www2.census.gov/geo/tiger/TIGER2010/STATE/2010/tl_2010_24_state10.zip zcta: https://www2.census.gov/geo/tiger/TIGER2010/ZCTA5/2010/tl_2010_24_zcta510.zip block: https://www2.census.gov/geo/tiger/TIGER2010/TABBLOCK/2010/tl_2010_24_tabblock10.zip blockgroup: https://www2.census.gov/geo/tiger/TIGER2010/BG/2010/tl_2010_24_bg10.zip
GitHub Actions are set up to automatically run unit tests against any new commits to the repo. To run these tests yourself:
pip install -e .[dev] pytest .
- add support for jellyfish 1.x
- add support for Python 3.11
- upgrade to jellyfish 0.11.2
- upgrade to jellyfish 0.7.2
- drop support for Python 2.7
- add us.states.COMMONWEALTHS list of states that call themselves commonwealths 🎩
- remove region parameter from shapefile_urls() method
- mapping() no longer includes obsolete states
- added type annotations
- restore DC in lookup() and mapping()
- fix Python 2.7 tests that ran with Python 3
- revert to jellyfish 0.6.1 to support Python 2.7
- add support for Python 3.7 and 3.8
- remove support for Python 3.4 and 3.5
- remove pickled objects and database in favor of pure Python code
- upgrade jellyfish to 0.7.2 to fix metaphone bug
- fixes for IN, KY, ND, and NM timezones
- set AZ timezone to America/Phoenix
- obsolete entries are no longer included in STATES_AND_TERRITORIES
- full Python 3.6 support
- use pytest
- upgrade jellyfish to 0.5.3 to fix metaphone bug
- add information on whether a state is contiguous and/or continental, thanks to chebee7i
- add obsolete territories, thanks to Ben Chartoff
- fix packaging error, thanks to Alexander Kulakov
- upgrade to jellyfish 0.5.1 to fix metaphone case bug
- add time zones, thanks to Paul Tagliamonte
- Python 2.6 and 3.2 compatibility
- add AP-style state abbreviations
- use jellyfish instead of Metaphone package
- update to requests v1.0.4 for tests
- Python 3.3 compatibility
- fix state abbreviation for Nebraska
- add state capitals
- add years of statehood
- add mapping method to generate dicts of arbitrary fields
- add command line script for quick access to state data
- initial release
- state names and abbreviations
- FIPS codes
- lookup() method
- shapefile URLs for various regions