A list of awesome bitcoin payment processors and stories from merchants using them. Why are they awesome? Because they process native bitcoin transactions and don't require wallets to use the controversial payment protocol. More supported wallets = more customers!
- BTCPay Server - free and open-source cryptocurrency payment processor which allows you to receive payments in Bitcoin and altcoins directly, with no fees, transaction cost or a middleman.
- Coinbase Commerce
- CoinGate
- CoinPayments
- CryptoWoo - payment processor for WooCommerce, no middleman fees, no full node required.
- GloBee - allows you to keep a portion of your revenue in Bitcoin or Monero and convert the rest into fiat.
- PayBear.io
- CheapAir: Update on Our Search for a New Bitcoin Payment Processor
- Coinigy Ends BitPay Support
- Keys4Coins: Seamless integration of cryptocurrency payments in WooCommerce
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