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Implementations of the various languages in "Types and Programming Languages" [Pierce, 2002].


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TAPL Implementations

This repository supplies Haskell implementations of the various languages described in "Types and Programming Languages" [Pierce, 2002].

There is lots of duplicated code, but that's by design. Each module is meant to be independently runnable and easy to read. So far, I've left out any fancy parsing, so you'd just have to write out the constructors by hand to execute.

The file names correspond to the number of the latest figure which describes the language at hand, so 3-1-Bools.hs is the language of booleans described in figure 3-1. The page number for each figure will be listed in a comment at the top of each file.

Here's an example interaction:

tapl-implementations/ $ ghci
Prelude> :l src/3-2-Arith.hs
*Arith> eval (IfTerm (IfTerm (IsZeroTerm ZeroTerm) FalseTerm TrueTerm) ZeroTerm TrueTerm)

The eval function is used to do a complete evaluation of a term. The single-step function eval' can be used to evaluate a term to its immediate successor term (t -> t'). In the case where eval' must make recursive calls to itself, some fun operators are used, namely <$> and the new <#>. These are discussed more below.

Fun with applicative functors

The book guides a small-step interpretation style, where the function eval' takes a term t and computes the immediate successor term t' based on the evaluation rules. Sometimes, no move forward can be made. This occurs most often when attempting to evaluate a value, since values do not evaluate.

The book chooses a simple implementation. In the case where no steps can be taken, a NoRuleApplies error is raised. This error is handled in the eval function by merely returning whatever term was passed in:

let rec eval ctx t =                                                                                                                
    try let t' = eval1 ctx t                                                                                                          
        in eval ctx t'                                                                                                                
    with NoRuleApplies -> t     

For my implementations, I wanted to avoid using the error-handling method. The book even suggests doing this:

Another possibility would be to make the single-step evaluator return a term option indicating whether it was successful and, if so, giving the resulting term; this would also work fine, but would require a little more bookkeeping.

Types and Programming Languages, p. 47 (First paragraph of §4.2.)

I have opted for this approach, giving my small-step evaluation function the type eval' :: Term -> Maybe Term. However, this causes a problem. Consider the following excerpt from my original implementation of the Boolean language described in Figure 3-1:

data Term
    = ...
    | IfTerm Term Term Term


eval' :: Term -> Maybe Term
eval' (IfTerm t1 t2 t3) = Just (IfTerm (eval t1) t2 t3)

In the implementation of eval', there is a call to eval t1. A correct implementation would use eval' instead, but this makes things a little tricky. IfTerm has type Term -> Term -> Term -> Term, but eval' would produce a Maybe Term instead.

To solve this problem, we turn to the solutions offered by applicative functors (defined using the Applicative typeclass in Haskell). Specifically, there are two operators that will be useful in this case: <$> and <*>.

<$> has type Applicative f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b. This means that we can take an argument which is in an applicative, apply a function to its interior, and produce a new instance of the applicative. This will be useful because now we can take our IfTerm :: Term -> Term -> Term -> Term and our eval' t1 :: Maybe Term (where t1 :: Term) and we get a new Maybe (Term -> Term -> Term).

All that's left is to apply the remaining two arguments, t2 :: Term and t3 :: Term. Now we use <*>, which has type Applicative f => f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b. Unfortunately, we have to lift the terms t2 and t3 into the applicative at hand manually (so we can have f a), but that isn't so bad.

We arrive at the following implementation:

eval' (IfTerm t1 t2 t3) = IfTerm <$> eval' t1 <*> pure t2 <*> pure t3

I felt that this was a little bit verbose for my liking, so I set out to find a function with type Applicative f => f (a -> b) -> a -> f b. Sadly, I couldn't find anything in the standard library, so instead I wrote my own!

(<#>) :: Applicative f => f (a -> b) -> a -> f b
(<#>) func x = func <*> pure x
infixl 4 <#>

The infixl 4 <#> is used to assign a precedence to the operator to ensure computations are handled in the correct order.

Now the previous line can be implemented instead as:

eval' (IfTerm t1 t2 t3) = IfTerm <$> eval' t1 <#> t2 <#> t3

It isn't very different really, but it avoids having to use pure manually and it also gave me the opportunity to delve a little more into applicative functors!


Implementations of the various languages in "Types and Programming Languages" [Pierce, 2002].







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