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Automated polysomnography for experimental animal research


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Automated polysomnography for experimental animal research: annotate vigilance states from arbitrary time series data.

Somnotate combines linear discriminant analysis (LDA) with a hidden Markov model (HMM). Linear discriminant analysis performs automatic feature selection by projecting the high-dimensional time series data to a lower dimensional feature space that is optimal for state classification using hard, linear decision boundaries. However, instead of applying these decision boundaries immediately, the transformed time series data is annotated using a hidden Markov model. This allows for "soft" decision boundaries that in addition of the features of each sample also take contextual information into account. This approach results in a fast, fully automated state annotation that is typically more accurate than manual annotations by human experts, while being remarkably robust to mislabelled training data, artefacts, and other outliers.

A journal article thoroughly describing Somnotate and characterising its performance is published PLoS Computationally Biology, available here. The data underpinning the presented results is archived at Zenodo. While the article focuses on Somnotate's performance in polysomnography based on mouse EEG, EMG, and/or LFP data, Somnotate has been applied successfully to human clinical data, as well as telemetry data from hibernating Alaskan black bears. As the core components of Somnotate are completely agnostic to the data modality, Somnotate can also be applied to other indicators of vigilance state, such as heart rate, blood pressure, or actigraphy. While we have performed encouraging pilot tests in these directions, we lack access to annotated data repositories that are comprehensive enough for a proper evaluation (do be in touch if you have data and you would like to collaborate).

Citing Somnotate

If you use Somnotate in your scientific work, I would appreciate citations to the following paper:

Brodersen PJN, Alfonsa H, Krone LB, Blanco-Duque C, Fisk AS, Flaherty SJ, et al. (2024) Somnotate: A probabilistic sleep stage classifier for studying vigilance state transitions. PLoS Comput Biol 20(1): e1011793.

Bibtex entry:

    doi = {10.1371/journal.pcbi.1011793},
    author = {Brodersen, Paul J. N. AND Alfonsa, Hannah AND Krone, Lukas B. AND Blanco-Duque, Cristina AND Fisk, Angus S. AND Flaherty, Sarah J. AND Guillaumin, Mathilde C. C. AND Huang, Yi-Ge AND Kahn, Martin C. AND McKillop, Laura E. AND Milinski, Linus AND Taylor, Lewis AND Thomas, Christopher W. AND Yamagata, Tomoko AND Foster, Russell G. AND Vyazovskiy, Vladyslav V. AND Akerman, Colin J.},
    journal = {PLOS Computational Biology},
    publisher = {Public Library of Science},
    title = {Somnotate: A probabilistic sleep stage classifier for studying vigilance state transitions},
    year = {2024},
    month = {01},
    volume = {20},
    pages = {1-26},
    number = {1},
    url = {},

Is this software the right choice for me?

Somnotate is designed to support animal experimental research, and hence a core assumption is that the data is peculiar in some way: the recording setup might be non-standard, the experimental manipulation might be severe, the genotype and (sleep) phenotype of the animals might be deviant, or the animal model might be entirely non-standard (such as black bears). As a consequence, machine learning models that have been pre-trained on other data are of limited use, and you have to train your own model using data annotated by yourself or your colleagues. Somnotate has been designed with two aims in mind: (1) minimise the amount of manually annotated data required to surpass the accuracy of human experts, and (2) make model training simple enough that any motivated scientist can optimise and use the software to its fullest potential without requiring prior programming experience or machine learning knowledge.

These aims motivate the use of hidden Markov models as the core classifier over and above deep neural networks, as the latter necessitate 2-3 orders of magnitude more data to train, and have a number of hyperparameters that have to be tailored to each data set for optimal results. A welcome side effect of this core design decision is that Somnotate -- unlike most other polysomnography software -- computes the likelihood of each vigilance state for each epoch (rather than just determining the most likely one). This allows the identification of intermediate states that occur around vigilance state transitions and failed transition attempts. Analysis of intermediate states can yield unique insights into the dynamics of vigilance state transitions. They may also provide a more sensitive readout for experimental manipulations than, for example, the total time spent in each vigilance state, as such traditional measures of sleep quality might be more strongly controlled by the physiological needs of the animal.

For annotating human clinical data, Somnotate likely is not the optimal choice. The acquisition of human clinical data is relatively standardised, and large repositories with annotated data are freely available. These have been used to train sophisticated machine learning models, such as U-Sleep and its successors, that are readily available and which you should use instead (unless you are interested in intermediate states).

What do I need?


To train the classifier, you will need manually annotated recordings. With a small data set, selecting the right recordings for training can have a significant impact on performance. In general, the performance of the classifier depends on (1) how well it is able to estimate the mean and the variance of all provided features in the training data set, and (2) how well the (automatically selected) subset of features used for inference matches between the training and the test data sets. Here are a few notes that spell out what that means in practice:

  1. The variance between recordings from different animals is typically greater than the variance within one long recording from one animal. Training on shorter recordings from multiple animals is hence preferable to training on longer recordings from fewer animals. In our experiments, training on manually annotated recordings from five or six different animals represented a sweet-spot, where adding further training data yielded strongly diminishing returns in performance improvements.

  2. The length of the recordings is less important, as long as the recordings are continuous (splicing introduces artefacts) and cover the full spectrum of vigilance and arousal states (i.e. light NREM sleep, deep NREM sleep, REM sleep, awake & rested, awake with high sleep pressure, etc.). For laboratory animals on a 12-hours light-on / 12-hours light-off cycle, 12-hour recordings covering the cycle half dominated by sleep (the light-on phase in mice) is probably sufficient for training: in our tests, training on 24-hours recordings only marginally improved performance, but not statistically significantly so.

  3. Do not exclusively use "clean" recordings for training, as underestimates of feature variance can negatively impact feature selection. Training on data sets with normal or even sub-standard signal-to-noise ratios may improve the robustness of the classifier, as features affected by artefacts or noise are typically weighted down, and thus affect inference less.

  4. It is often sufficient to train on recordings from control experiments, and then apply the classifier to both, recordings from control experiments and recordings acquired during experimental manipulations. In this way, a single classifier can be applied to data from multiple experiments. However, if the different conditions alter the physiology of the animal strongly, the characteristics of the data may become too distinct. It may be necessary to either (1) train multiple classifiers, one for each condition, or (2) train one classifier on data from both conditions. The first approach tends to work a little bit better than the second approach but requires more annotated data sets. If you use the second approach, ensure that both conditions are represented equally in the training data.

The provided example pipeline expects recordings to be in the European data format (EDF).

Manual Annotations

Annotations are expected to be in Visbrain's stage-duration format. This is a very simple text file with the first line specifying the length of the corresponding recording in seconds, and the second line specifying the file name of the recording (or Unspecified). The remaining lines list each state and its end-point since the start of the recording in seconds. In the example below, the duration of the first occurrence of Awake is 1 minute, the duration of the following NREM period is 2 minutes, and the duration of the following REM period is 3 minutes. The label Undefined should be used if no state assignment is appropriate, for example at the start of the recording when the electrodes aren't connected, yet; do not use Undefined to denote artefacts, as this will result in overestimates of the state transition frequencies. List only one state per line. Use a single tab to separate items within a line. The last entry in the file should match the duration specified on the first line.

*Duration_sec	43200.0
*Datafile	Unspecified
Undefined	10.0
Awake	70.0
NREM	190.0
REM	370.0
Awake	372.0
NREM	672.0
Awake	42000.0
Undefined	43200.0

The quality of the annotations is not particularly important, as Somnotate is highly robust to errors in the training data. In the journal article linked above, we used data sets annotated by up to 10 experienced sleep researchers to show that Somnotate was able to match the human consensus better than any individual expert in testing. However, for the purpose of training, using a single manual annotation per recording is fine. When we tested Somnotate's robustness to errors in the training data, performance was unaffected, even if a large fraction of the data used for training was deliberately mislabelled (up to 50% of all epochs).

Operating System and Computational Hardware Requirements

Somnotate was developed under Linux but also runs on Windows and iOS. No dedicated hardware is required, as even a simple laptop should complete all tasks within a reasonable time, provided it has sufficient RAM to load a single recording into memory. As a rough guide, after pre-processing, training and testing should not require more than 1-2 seconds per 24 hours of recordings on any but the most ancient hardware. The time it takes to preprocess a data set is highly variable and depends on the file format, number of signals, and their sampling frequency. Preprocessing recordings in EDF file format with three signals at 256 Hz requires about 30 seconds per 24 hours.

Installation instructions


Somnotate used to support installation via pip (and encouraged it in fact). Currently, however, this results either in dependency conflicts or in broken builds for some of somnotate's dependencies, especially pomegranate. For the time being, please follow the installation instructions for conda below.

  1. Clone this repository. Git is available here.

    git clone

    Alternatively, you can download the repository as a zip file, and unzip it. However, you will have to repeat this process each time a new version is released. If you use git, you can update the repository simply by changing to anywhere in the somnotate directory and running git pull.

    cd /path/to/somnotate
    git pull
  2. Create a clean virtual environment using conda (available here).

    Open a terminal (on Windows: Anaconda Prompt), and enter:

    conda create --no-default-packages --name somnotate_env

    Then activate the environment:

    conda activate somnotate_env

    You will need to re-activate the environment each time you want to use somnotate.

  3. Install all required dependencies.

    conda install -c conda-forge pomegranate=0.14.4 numpy scipy matplotlib scikit-learn six pandas pyedflib lspopt
  4. Add somnotate/somnotate to the environment's PYTHONPATH:

    cd /path/to/somnotate
    pip install -e .

Quickstart Guide / Cheat Sheet

Assuming you have two sets of data sets, a set of previously (manually) annotated data sets for training of the pipeline (data sets A) and an un-annotated set of data sets that you would like to apply the pipeline to (data sets B).

First, prepare two spreadsheets, spreadsheet A and spreadsheet B, providing the paths to the files pertaining to each data set, and a few other data sets properties. Detailed instructions regarding the spreadsheet format can be found below.

Then, in the shell of your choice, execute in order:

# Preprocess the training data sets.
python /path/to/somnotate/example_pipeline/ /path/to/spreadsheet_A.csv

# Test the performance of the pipeline on the training data sets to ensure that everything is in working order.
python /path/to/somnotate/example_pipeline/ /path/to/spreadsheet_A.csv

# Train a model and save it for later use.
python /path/to/somnotate/example_pipeline/ /path/to/spreadsheet_A.csv /path/to/model.pickle

# Preprocess the un-annotated data sets.
python /path/to/somnotate/example_pipeline/ /path/to/spreadsheet_B.csv

# Apply the trained model to your un-annotated data.
python /path/to/somnotate/example_pipeline/ /path/to/spreadsheet_B.csv /path/to/model.pickle

# Manually check intervals in the predicted state annotations that have been flagged as ambiguous.
python /path/to/somnotate/example_pipeline/ /path/to/spreadsheet_B.csv

Detailed Description of the Pipeline

This repository comes in two parts, the core library, somnotate, and an example pipeline. The core library implements the functionality to automatically (or manually) annotate states using any type of time series data, and visualize the results. However, there is nothing specific to sleep staging in this part of the code base.

The example pipeline is a collection of functions and scripts that additionally manage data import/export, data preprocessing, and testing. The pipeline supports (and is designed for) batch processing of multiple files. For most users, the pipeline is the part of the code base they will interact with.


Currently available scripts are:


    Convert the raw signals into features that are useful for the state inference. Currently, we simply (1) compute the spectrogram for each raw signal (i.e. the EEG, LFP, or EMG trace), (2) renormalize the data, such that within each frequency band, the power is approximately normally distributed, and (3) trim the spectrogram to exclude frequencies for which our estimate is very noisy, i.e. frequencies near the Nyquist limit and frequencies around 50 Hz. Finally, we concatenate the spectrograms of the difference signals into one set of features.


    Test the performance of the automated state annotation in a hold-one-out fashion on a given set of preprocessed training data sets (i.e. preprocessed data with corresponding manually created state annotations).


    Train a model using a set of preprocessed training data sets and export it for later use.


    Use a previously trained model to automatically annotate the states in a given set of preprocessed data sets.


    This script launches a simple GUI that facilitates manual quality control and refinement of the automatically generated state annotations. Press the key "?" to read the documentation for all available commands.


    This script launches a simple GUI that facilitates manual checking of all differences between two state annotations, e.g. the a manual state annotation and a corresponding automated state annotation. Press the key "?" to read the documentation for all available commands.

Apart from these scripts, there are two additional files in example_pipeline:


    provides a set of functions for data import and export.


    defines a set of variables shared across all scripts. Most of these pertain to the states and their representation in the hypnograms, their represantation internally in the pipeline, and their visualisation in the plots created by the pipeline.

The extensions folder has two additional scripts to facilitate data I/O:


    Extract the hypnogram from SleepSign FFT files (created in SleepSign via: Analysis -> FFT-Text Output -> Continuous FFT), and convert them to hypnogram in the stage-duration format. If you already have hypnograms in this format, this step is not necessary.


    Convert hypnograms in stage-duration format to MATLAB structs.


Each script in the pipeline expects as mandatory command line argument a path to a spreadsheet in CSV format. The exact format of the spreadsheet is detailed below but basically it contains a number of columns detailing the paths to the files pertaining to each data set, the properties of the data set (e.g. the sampling frequency of the EEG/EMG data), and the (desired) paths for the files created by the pipeline. An example CSV file is provided with the test data.

For example:

python /path/to/somnotate/example_pipeline/ /path/to/spreadsheet.csv

Some scripts (specifically, and have an additional mandatory argument, namely the path to the trained model:

python /path/to/somnotate/example_pipeline/ /path/to/spreadsheet.csv /path/to/model.pickle

If the script is supposed to run for only a subset of datasets in the spreadsheet, the --only flag can be used to supply the indices for the corresponding rows. For example, to train a model using only the first, third and fourth dataset, use:

/path/to/somnotate/example_pipeline/ /path/to/spreadsheet.csv /path/to/model.pickle --only 0 2 3

Some scripts produce output plots if the optional argument --show is added to the list of arguments. For each script, a list of mandatory and optional arguments can be accessed using the --help argument:

python /path/to/somnotate/example_pipeline/ --help

The Spreadsheet

For each data set, the spreadsheet details a number of properties, as well as the paths to the corresponding input and output files. By providing these parameters via a spreadsheet, the user does not have to manually provide these arguments repeatedly to each script in the pipeline. Furthermore, it ensures that the arguments remain consistent across tasks.

Not all arguments, i.e. columns in the spreadsheet, are required for each script. However, it is often convenient to have a single spreadsheet for a given set of data that are processed together that details all parameters, i.e. contains all columns. These are:

  • file_path_raw_signals: the path to the EDF file containing the raw signals (i.e. the EEG/EMG or LFP traces)
  • file_path_preprocessed_signals; the (desired) path to the file containing the corresponding preprocessed signal array
  • file_path_manual_state_annotation: the path to the file containing the manually created state annotation (hypnogram) in visbrain stage-duration format (only required for training data sets)
  • file_path_automated_state_annotation: the (desired) path to the file containing the automated state annotion (hypnogram)
  • file_path_refined_state_annotation: the (desired) path to the file containing the automated state annotion (hypnogram) that has subsequently been manually refined
  • file_path_review_intervals: the (desired) path for the file containing the time intervals highlighted by the automated annotation for manual review
  • sampling_frequency_in_hz: the sampling frequency of the raw signal(s)

Additionally, the variable state_annotation_signals in defines another set of columns in the spreadsheet (which can be arbitrarily named) that contain the indices to the relevant raw signals in the file at file_path_raw_signals.

The order of columns in the spreadsheet is arbitrary. However, you should avoid having empty rows, as these will be interpreted as datasets for which all parameters are missing.

Each time you run a script, the spreadsheet is checked for the existence of all relevant columns, and it is asserted that the entries in the columns have the correct type. Should the spreadsheet not contain the required columns with entries in the required format, an error will be raised detailing the missing columns or misrepresented column entries.

An example spreadsheet can be found in the data folder. The corresponding recordings have been archived at Zenodo, and can be found in the test folder there.


Many pipeline customisations will only require changes in either or

Most function definitions in are just aliases for other functions. In many cases, changes in the format of the input or the output files can hence be achieved by simply rebinding the aliases to different functions.

For example, the aforementioned spreadsheet is loaded into memory by a function called load_dataframe. However, load_dataframe is just an alias to read_csv in the pandas module. To import spreadsheets in Excel format instead, simply rebind load_dataframe to a function that reads Excel files. Conveniently, such a function is also available in pandas with read_excel. Therefor, it is sufficient to replace the line

load_dataframe = pandas.read_csv


load_dataframe = pandas.read_excel

The function load_dataframe continues to be available, and can be used by all scripts in the pipeline just as before.

Most other changes can be made by changing the values of variables in Please refer to the extensive comments in for further guidance.

If you cannot change an important aspect of the pipeline by changing either or, please raise an issue on the github issue tracker. Pull requests are -- of course -- very welcome.

Recent changes

  • 0.3.6 Fixed an issue in that occurred when none of the test data sets had undefined states (issue #13).
  • 0.3.5 Fixed an issue in that occurred due to a change in the Matplotlib API (issue #16).
  • 0.3.4 Fixed an issue in that occurred when testing with datasets of different lengths (issue #12).
  • 0.3.3 Fixed an issue in that resulted in an incorrect rescaling of the state probability in the output figure.
  • 0.3.2 Fixed an issue with MultivariateGaussianDistribution that occurred due changes upstream in pomegranate.
  • 0.3.1 Removed occurrences of and np.float (deprecated in recent numpy versions).
  • 0.3.0 Simplified installation.
  • 0.2.0 Clean-up of pipeline: moved and to extensions.
  • 0.1.0 Improved README: added sections "Is this software the right choice for me?" and "What do I need?"


If you run into any problems, please raise an issue. Include any relevant code and data in a minimal, reproducible example. Bug reports are, of course, always welcome. Please make sure to include the full error trace. If you submit a pull request that fixes a bug or implements a cool feature, I will probably worship the ground you walk on for the rest of the week. Probably.


Somnotate has a dual license. It is licensed under the GPLv3 license for academic use only. For commercial or any other use of Somnotate or parts thereof, please be in contact: [email protected].