A Scheduled Tweet bot written in Python to run on a Raspberry Pi (runs anywhere Python and the dependencies are installed).
Run the bot with the command python bot.py
The above command runs the bot, loops it every 60 seconds, makes fresh database connections every 300 seconds and only says it's stil running after 15 loops. You can edit the default values, just use python bot.py --help
to see all options.
Requires you install mysql-connector and Tweepy.
Download mysql-connecter from here: https://dev.mysql.com/downloads/connector/python/
If you're using this on a RPi then you'll likely want the architecture independant .deb file.
You can install Tweepy using pip, easy_install or any other method that gets it's pacages from PyPy:
pip install tweepy
Edit the "configuration.py" file and enter your database credentials then run the setup script with python setup.py
It will promt you to enter your Twitter credentials - Consumer Key & Secret, Access Token & Secret
##Scheduling Tweets Add some scheduled tweets by calling the "add.py" script.
""" python add.py """ You can pass some args like so:
""" python add.py --tweetcontent="this is the tweet" --tweettime="2015-12-25 00:00" """
Uses the 'Tweepy' library for all Twitter API actions. http://github.com/tweepy/tweepy
Tweepy is released under the MIT licence (GPL compatable)