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Project for the Programming concept in Scientific Computing course

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Project for the Programming concept in Scientific Computing course.

This Readme acts as the report of the project.

This project implements different numerical methods to solve the eigenvalues of a matrix.
The different numerical methods are Power method, Inverse Power method with and without shift
and the QR method.

  • The power method returns the largest eigenvalue in magnitude.
  • The inverse power method returns the smallest eigenvalue in magnitude.
  • The shifted inverse power method returns the closest eigenvalue to a given shift.
  • The QR method returns all the eigenvalues.

The implemented classes are depicted in the following diagram:



  • C++17
  • Doxygen
  • eigen3
  • GoogleTest

The two latter are installed as git submodules (see below).


Clone the repo:

git clone
cd PCSC-Eigenvalue-problems

Install GoogleTest and Eigen libraries:

git submodule update --init

Build CMake Project

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
cd ..

Create Doxygen documentation

Install Doxygen:

Create the documentation:

cd src
doxygen ../Doxyfile
cd ..

To view the documentation, open the html/index.html file.


Command line arguments

The getopt c++ library is used to parse the command line arguments.
In order to choose which method to use to find the eigenvalue(s), the user can provide
some options. The program can run without any options provided and will use the default
options as reported below.

  • --method to specify the method used to find eigenvalues: power, inversepower, or qr.
    Default: power
  • --filename to specify the name of the file in 'data/' used as input matrix.
    Default: mat.csv
  • --shift to specify a shift used in inverse power method.
    Default: 0
  • --error to specify the error criterion used to stop the algorithm.
    Default: 0.0001

As an example, the following command will read mat.csv in the folder data and use
the shifted inverse power solver with shift = 5.4 and the error criterion used to
check the convergence of the algorithm will be set to 1e-5 (command to be executed
in the build folder):
./main --filename mat.csv --method inversepower --shift 5.4 --error 1e-5

Type of file parsing

In order to choose which loader class to use to load the input matrix, the given filename
extension is parsed from the filename and the appropriate loader is chosen depending on
the extension provided. Here, we implemented only a CSV loader, so the program will
return an error code 1 if a different format is provided. The program is easily adaptable
to add another loader.


The computed eigenvalue(s) are written in the data/eigenvalues.csv file.

Flow of program


List of features

  • Changable numerical methods for solving for eigenvalues.
  • Easy conversion to variations of matrices (ex: complex matrices) thanks to the use of templated classes.
  • No limitations on input matrix size.
  • Choice of accuracy with adjustable error.
  • Easy addition of new dataloader.


This project uses the GoogleTest library.
The tests are stored in the test/ file.
To run the tests, place yourself in the build directory and run the command:

The following tests are implemented:

  • power.solve3x3 checks that the eigenvalue obtained with the power method is valid on a 3x3 matrix.
  • power.solve5x5 checks that the eigenvalue obtained with the power method is valid on a 5x5 matrix.
  • inverse_power.solve3x3 checks that the eigenvalue obtained with the inverse power method is valid on a 3x3 matrix.
  • inverse_power.solve5x5 checks that the eigenvalue obtained with the inverse power method is valid on a 5x5 matrix.
  • inverse_power.shifted_solve3x3 checks that the eigenvalue obtained with the shifted inverse power method is valid on a 3x3 matrix.
  • inverse_power.shifted_solve5x5 checks that the eigenvalue obtained with the shifted inverse power method is valid on a 5x5 matrix
  • qr.solve3x3 checks that the eigenvalue obtained with the qr method are valid on a 3x3 matrix.
  • qr.solve5x5 checks that the eigenvalue obtained with the qr method are valid on a 5x5 matrix.
  • load_csv.load_matrix checks that the matrix loaded from csv file with load_matrix is valid.
  • abstract_linalg_solver.set_get_matrix checks that the getter and setter methods for matrix_ attribute are correct.
  • abstract_linalg_solver.set_get_error checks that the getter and setter methods for error_ attribute are correct.
  • abstract_linalg_solver.set_get_shift checks that the getter and setter methods for shift_ attribute are correct.

Convergence criterion

To check the convergence of each algorithm, the attribute error_ is used:

  • In power and inverse power methods, we consider that the algorithm has converged when the residual is lower than
    error_: ||Ax-ux||<error_, with A the input matrix, x the eigenvector, and u the computed eigenvalue.
  • In the QR method, we consider that the algorithm has converged when the following inequality is met:
    ||u_old - u_new|| < error_ with u_old/new the vector of computed eigenvalues.

Limitations and problems

  • Some of the limitations of this program lie in the numerical algorithms implemented. If the matrix contains eigenvalues of the same magnitude, the algortihms will not be able to converge. Moreover, if the matrix is singular, which means that it contains eigenvalues equal to zero, the algorithm with also not converge.
  • For the inverse power method, if the provided shift is exactly an eigenvalue of the matrix, or if the shift is exactly between two eigenvalues (e.g. shift = 3 and 2 and 4 are eigenvalues), the algorithm may not converge, or take a big amount of time to do so. To avoid this behaviour, a small random number (in [-1e-4; 1e-4]) is added to the shift. This way, the shift is never exactly on an eigenvalue or between two eigenvalues, making the computation smoother.
  • Moreover, the algortihm doesn't solve for complex eigenvalues. Thus, to ensure the valitity of the computation, the input matrix must be either symmetric or have real eigenvalues. However, as our classes are templated, the program is easily editable to be able to compute complex eigenvalues.


  • The program can be adapted to support complex eigenvalues computation.
  • The program can be adapted to read matrix from different types of file.


Project for the Programming concept in Scientific Computing course






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