This repository represents basic coding standards that one can use while creating packages or working with team.
Agreeing on one coding standard helps to keep code neat and easy to read and also makes it easy to see the difference in code when reviewing them.
Class names must use studly case format
// Good
class StandardPlans {}
// Bad
class standard_plans {}
Methods must use camel case format
// Good
class StandardPlans
public function getStandardPlans() {}
// Bad
class StandardPlans
public function GetStandardPlans() {}
// OR
public function get_standard_plans() {}
Class properties must use camel case format
// Good
class StandardPlans
protected $planName = '';
// Bad
class StandardPlans
protected $plan_name = '';
// OR
protected $PlanName = '';
Class constants must use uppercase format
// Good
class StandardPlans
const PLAN_PRICE = 10000;
// OR
const STORAGE = 2;
// Bad
class StandardPlans
const planPrice = 10000;
// OR
const storage = 2;
Variables must use camel case format
// Good
$planName = "Hello world";
// Bad
$PlanName = "Hello world";
// Good
$message = "Hi, I am {$name}.";
// Bad
$message = 'Hi, I am ' . $name . '.';
// Good
if (condition) {
} else if (condition) {
} else {
// Bad
if(condition){ // No space before opening parenthesis and after closing parenthesis
else { // `else` must be right after `if` closing bracket
Comments should be avoided as much as possible by writing expressive code.
If need to use a comment, format it like this :
// There should be a space before a single line comment.
* If you need to explain a lot you can use a comment block. Notice the
* single * on the first line. Comment blocks don't need to be three
* lines long or three characters shorter than the previous line.
Configuration file names must use kebab case format
Configuration keys must use snake case format
// config/plans-list.php
return [
'standard_plan' => env('STANDARD_PLAN'),
The artisan commands names must use kebab case format
// Good
php artisan update-plan-prices
// Bad
php artisan updatePlanPrices
Public facing urls routes must use kebab case format
// Route names must use camel case format
// Route parameters must use camel case format
Route::get('standard-plans', 'PlansController@index')->name('standardPrices');
Route::get('standard-plans/{planId}', 'PlansController@index')
// All http verbs come first
// Good
Route::get('/', 'HomeController@index')->name('home');
Route::get('standard-plans', 'PlansController@index')->middleware('frontUser');
// Bad
Route::name('home')->get('/', 'HomeController@index');
View file names must use camel case format
class PlansController
public function index() {
return view('standardPlans');
Translations must be rendered with the __ function
<h2>{{ __('standardPlans.form.title') }}</h2>
{!! __('standardPlans.form.description') !!}
A job's and Event's name should be describe its action. Events names should be very clear by the tense used in their name.
E.g. JOBS : CreatePlans, UpdatePlansPrice. EVENTS : PriceUpdated
Their names should reflect that action with a suffix to avoid naming collisions.
E.g. LISTENERS : SendPlanPurchasedMailListener. COMMANDS : UpdatePlanPricesCommand. MAILABLES : PlanPurchasedMail