- Python3
- Yolov3
All the image files will reside in multiple folders. Copy or move all the images from different folders to one single folder.
Create a new folder under rgb/train
and rename it as rgb/train/traffic_light_images
Move the yolov3-tiny-bosch.cfg from the \config folder to the same (traffic_lights) folder. Mae sure there are following files in the traffic_lights folder.
- train.txt
- test.txt
- bosch.data
- bosch.names
- yolov3-tiny-bosch.cfg
- backup folder which stores the weights
Download the yolov3 imagenet darknet53 weights Run the following on terminal for training the model
cd darknet
./darknet detector train traffic_lights/bosch.data traffic_lights/yolov3-tiny-bosch.cfg darknet53.conv.74
cd darknet
./darknet detector demo traffic_lights/bosch.data traffic_lights/yolov3-tiny-bosch.cfg traffic_lights/backup/<weight_file> <video file>
Actual testing was done on OpenImageV6 images.