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Chris Petersen edited this page Oct 16, 2014 · 1 revision

glCoreTextureData returns texture data.

Parameter Description
t Texture for which data is returned


Example 1: Function that exports the content of a drawingarea, which can then be shown as a new texture elsewhere on the gui.

(define (glgui-drawingarea-export-image g wgt)
  (let* ((t (glgui-widget-get g wgt 'data))
         (w0 (table-ref t 'w0))
         (h0 (table-ref t 'h0))
         (color (glgui-widget-get g wgt 'color))
         (len (length color))
         (w (table-ref t 'w))
         (h (table-ref t 'h))
         (wr (table-ref t 'wr))
         (hr (table-ref t 'hr)))
    (let loop ((i 0) (ret (u8vector-alpha->u8vector-rgb (glCoreTextureData (table-ref t 0)) (car color))))
      (if (fx= i (fx- len 1)) (list w h (glCoreTextureCreate w0 h0 ret) 0. 0. wr hr)
        (loop (fx+ i 1) (u8vector-rgb-add ret (u8vector-alpha->u8vector-rgb (glCoreTextureData (table-ref t (fx+ i 1))) (list-ref color (fx+ i 1)))))
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