Download this repository by
git clone
cd hiscanner_demo
1. Download and Extract Demo Data
# Download from Figshare
mv '28369088?private_link=c5aeb5bc039a2990fc89'
mv '28375844?private_link=854df579f68882779a06'
# Extract all files
unzip && tar -xvf scan2_out.tar.gz
rm scan2_out.tar.gz
cd fasta_split && for tarfile in *.tar.gz; do
tar -xzvf "$tarfile"
cd ..
2. Initialize Project
# Activate environment
conda activate hiscanner_test
# Initialize (choose one)
hiscanner init # then edit config.yaml
# OR use the provided config.yaml
cp resources/config.yaml .
# remember to edit the config.yaml file to set the correct paths
3. Validate Setup
hiscanner validate
Expected output:
INFO ✓ Configuration validated successfully
INFO ✓ Output directories can be created
WARNING Missing Raw variants VCF MD5: scan2_out/gatk/hc_raw.mmq60.vcf.gz.md5
WARNING Missing Phased hets VCF MD5: scan2_out/shapeit/phased_hets.vcf.gz.md5
INFO ✓ SCAN2 outputs validated successfully
INFO ✓ bcftools validated successfully
INFO ✓ samtools validated successfully
INFO ✓ R and mgcv package validated successfully
INFO All validation checks passed successfully!
4. Run Pipeline Steps
hiscanner run --step snp
Expected output:
INFO Running snp step...
INFO Preparing SNP calling results
WARNING Missing Raw variants VCF MD5: scan2_out/gatk/hc_raw.mmq60.vcf.gz.md5
WARNING Missing Phased hets VCF MD5: scan2_out/shapeit/phased_hets.vcf.gz.md5
INFO SNP calling results prepared successfully
INFO ✓ Pipeline completed successfully
hiscanner run --step phase
Expected output:
INFO Running phase step...
INFO Starting phasing step
WARNING Missing Raw variants VCF MD5: scan2_out/gatk/hc_raw.mmq60.vcf.gz.md5
WARNING Missing Phased hets VCF MD5: scan2_out/shapeit/phased_hets.vcf.gz.md5
INFO Processing 3 cells
INFO Running bcftools query for SRR6204923_Lymphocyte-068
INFO Running bcftools query for SRR6204878_Lymphocyte-015
INFO Running bcftools query for SRR6204925_Lymphocyte-066
[... Processing details ...]
INFO Results saved for SRR6204878_Lymphocyte-015
INFO Results saved for SRR6204923_Lymphocyte-068
INFO Results saved for SRR6204925_Lymphocyte-066
INFO Phasing step completed successfully
INFO ✓ Pipeline completed successfully
hiscanner run --step ado
Expected output:
[... Processing details ...]
INFO ADO analysis completed successfully
INFO ✓ Pipeline completed successfully
hiscanner run --step normalize
Expected output:
INFO Running normalize step...
INFO Starting normalization pipeline
INFO Workflow setup completed in /home/yzhao/demo/hiscanner_out/.workflow
INFO Running normalization workflow from /home/yzhao/demo/hiscanner_out/.workflow
hiscanner run --step segment
Expected output:
INFO Running segment step...
INFO Starting segmentation
INFO Running multisample segmentation
INFO Processing lambda=2
[... Processing details for each lambda value and chromosome ...]
INFO Successfully saved combined segments for 3 cells at lambda=2048
INFO Segmentation completed successfully
hiscanner run --step cnv
Expected output:
INFO Running cnv step...
INFO Starting CNV calling pipeline
INFO Using standard (RDR + BAF) mode
INFO Saving final calls to hiscanner_out/final_calls
INFO Processing cell SRR6204923_Lymphocyte-068
[... Processing details for each cell ...]
INFO Generating visualizations
INFO HiScanner CNV calling pipeline completed successfully
INFO ✓ Pipeline completed successfully
5. Clean Up (Optional)
hiscanner clean
Expected output:
INFO ✓ Removed directories: cfg, segcfg, readpos, temp
You can compare the genome tracks in final_calls
with resources/hiscanner_out_expected/final_calls/*png
. They should be identical. There are two diploid cells and one cell with chr2 loss and chr16 gain.
Important Note: The BAF signals are not derived from real mouse scWGS data but rather simulated. As this mouse strain is not cross-bred, there are almost no heteterozygous SNPs. The purpose of this demo is for users to check installation and explore the pipeline's functionality, not to demonstrate real biological results.