A simple docker image that uses curl, and a simple shell script to monitor a sub-domain or domain and update GoDaddy DNS records
- 1: Container starts up and sleeps number of seconds specified by DNS_CHECK (Defaults to 900 seconds, or 15 minutes if variable not provided)
- 2: Once DNS_CHECK time has passed, container waits between 1 and 15 seconds (Randomized each time the loop runs so that you can run multiple containers and not cause an API time-out)
- Curl makes a call to https://api.ipify.org to determine current external IP address of host.
- Curl then makes a call to GoDaddy DNS API to get current record for sub-domain/domain, if that IP address doesn't match external IP there is a curl POST pushed to update the DNS record
- 3: Container start-up and any changes to DNS record are logged inside container to /tmp/<DOMAIN_NAME>.log, this directory can be exported to make the logs available outside container
- Added arm and arm64 image support (Docker should pull correct image automagically)
- Multiple subdomains can be updated by appending with "|", i.e. set SUB_DOMAIN to "cool-site|other-subdomain"
- Required variables have a default set of NULL, the container looks for these and exits with a message of problem in the log file. An easy way to trouble-shoot container is to map /tmp to an external directory (explained in the docker-compose and docker run example below)
- Only required ENV variables are DOMAIN, API_KEY, and API_SECRET (Or combine API_KEY:API_SECRET in API_KEY variable). Everything else has valid defaults
- ENV variables "PUID" and "PGID" can be passed to set owner of logfile to a specific user, this is useful for mapping an external directory and setting the owner to a normal user
- In this example I will be monitoring and updating cool-site.example.com, and checking for a change to DNS every 600 seconds (10 minutes)
- volumes can be omitted or mapped somewhere such as a a folder under your home directory, simply change the left side to point to where you'd like to save DNS update logfiles
- Change "TIME_ZONE" to match your desired timezone. A vaild list can be found at https://www.wikiwand.com/en/List_of_tz_database_time_zones under the "TZ database name" column. Default is "America/New_York"
version: "3"
image: parkerhemphill/godaddy-dns-updater
container_name: godaddy-ddns
restart: unless-stopped
DOMAIN: 'example.com'
SUB_DOMAIN: 'cool-site'
TIME_ZONE: America/New_York
- /tmp:/tmp
docker run -d \
--name=godaddy-dns-updater \
-e TIME_ZONE=America/New_York \
-e DOMAIN=example.com \
-e SUB_DOMAIN=cool-site \
-e DNS_CHECK=600 \
-v /tmp:/tmp \
--restart unless-stopped \
- Shell access while the container is running:
docker exec -it godaddy-dns-updater /bin/bash
- To see log of DNS updates:
docker exec -it godaddy-dns-updater cat /tmp/*.log
- Container version number:
docker inspect -f '{{ index .Config.Labels "build_version" }}' godaddy-dns-updater
- Image version number:
docker inspect -f '{{ index .Config.Labels "build_version" }}' parkerhemphill/godaddy-dns-updater