This gem allows for translating models content within the Para admin interface.
It works by adding a translations layer to ActiveRecord models, like Globalize does, and with a similar API, but using JSON fields instead of tables.
Note : This gem only works with Postgres 9.4+
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'para-i18n'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install para-i18n
Add the para-i18n javascript file to your app's admin manifest at app/assets/javascripts/admin/app.(js|coffee)
//= require para/i18n
To allow models to be translated, you need to add the _translations:jsonb
column to your model.
You can use the para:i18n:translate
generator to generate the migration.
For example, to translate a page model :
rails generate para:i18n:translate page -m
Note that the -m
option automatically migrates after the migration is
Now that your model has the translations field in the table, juste use the
macro in your model to define which fields will be translated :
class Page < ActiveRecord::Base
translates :title, :content
Now, any crud
component managing the Page
model will show a button to access
the translation interface for existing entries.
The translation form can be overriden by generating it with the para:i18n:form
generator. This is useful to delete or add fields to translate that are not
properly displayed by the default view.
For example, the Page
model translation form can be generated the following
way :
rails g para:i18n:form page
This will create a partial at app/views/admin/pages/_translations_form.html.haml
that you can override.
This gem uses a special Simple Form input to manage translations.
Example :
= form.input :title, as: :i18n, locale: @target_locale
When generating the translations form, you can edit those inputs, remove or add some inputs.
You can simply manage nested resources by using the simple_fields_for
helper :
= form.simple_fields_for :nested_resources do |fields|
= fields.input :nested_title, as: :i18n, locale: @target_locale
The I18n field generates a plain HTML section with the original contents of the
field (in the I18n.default_locale
locale), and a sub-input, which uses the
default type that Para infers from the attribute.
You can override the generated field type or pass other options by using the
option :
= form.input :value, as: :i18n, locale: @target_locale, input_html: { as: :numeric, spinner: false }
Also, if your original content contains useful HTML, you can use the :html_safe
to be applied to the original content by using the :original_html
option :
= form.input :value, as: :i18n, locale: @target_locale, original_html: { html_safe: true }
The gem fully supports Rails' I18n fallbacks and will try to fallback to any
available translation using the I18n.fallbacks
hash if you enable them.
If not enabled, any untranslated content will be empty.
The gem comes with friendly_id i18n support, with a dedicated :i18n
module to
include instead of the :slugged
module into your models friendly_id options.
For example, for the page :
class Page < ActiveRecord::Base
translates :title, :slug
friendly_id :title, use: [:finders, :i18n]
Warning : You always need to put the
fiendly_id module after all other modules, so the finder methods included in this module take the current locale into account.
This will automatically build localized slugs when updating the title
in any
locale, and will allow you to find the resources with the translated slugs.
Note that if I18n fallbacks are enabled, it will try to fall back to the next locale if no resource was found for the given slug and locale.
There's a dedicated section in the Wiki that can help your migrate your app grom Globalize to Para::I18n.
You can find this guide here : Migrating from Globalize
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.