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What is Pacvex?

Pacvex is a CMS for a personal portfolio website. It's made in Elixir and built with Phoenix.

My own pacvex

My personal website based in Pacvex is running on Heroku. You can visit me here.

Run it locally and development

  • Clone this repo from Github
  • Install .tools-versions dependencies via asdf:
asdf install
  • Get dependencies:
mix deps.get
  • Create and migrate the database:
mix ecto.create ; mix ecto.migrate
  • Install node.js dependencies:
cd assets && npm install
  • Start Phoenix server:
mix phx.server

You need to create an admin user with your data (Cookbook coming soon...)

Pacvex - Minimal cv website made in Elixir / Phoenix.

© Pablo Palomino Gómez, 2019