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chl8856 committed Mar 6, 2020
0 parents commit 8c6a803
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Showing 11 changed files with 5,944 additions and 0 deletions.
334 changes: 334 additions & 0 deletions

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1,946 changes: 1,946 additions & 0 deletions data/.ipynb_checkpoints/pbc2_cleaned-checkpoint.csv

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1,946 changes: 1,946 additions & 0 deletions data/pbc2_cleaned.csv

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480 changes: 480 additions & 0 deletions

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157 changes: 157 additions & 0 deletions
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@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

def f_get_Normalization(X, norm_mode):
num_Patient, num_Feature = np.shape(X)

if norm_mode == 'standard': #zero mean unit variance
for j in range(num_Feature):
if np.nanstd(X[:,j]) != 0:
X[:,j] = (X[:,j] - np.nanmean(X[:, j]))/np.nanstd(X[:,j])
X[:,j] = (X[:,j] - np.nanmean(X[:, j]))
elif norm_mode == 'normal': #min-max normalization
for j in range(num_Feature):
X[:,j] = (X[:,j] - np.nanmin(X[:,j]))/(np.nanmax(X[:,j]) - np.nanmin(X[:,j]))

return X

def f_get_fc_mask1(meas_time, num_Event, num_Category):
mask3 is required to get the contional probability (to calculate the denominator part)
mask3 size is [N, num_Event, num_Category]. 1's until the last measurement time
mask = np.zeros([np.shape(meas_time)[0], num_Event, num_Category]) # for denominator
for i in range(np.shape(meas_time)[0]):
mask[i, :, :int(meas_time[i, 0]+1)] = 1 # last measurement time

return mask

def f_get_fc_mask2(time, label, num_Event, num_Category):
mask4 is required to get the log-likelihood loss
mask4 size is [N, num_Event, num_Category]
if not censored : one element = 1 (0 elsewhere)
if censored : fill elements with 1 after the censoring time (for all events)
mask = np.zeros([np.shape(time)[0], num_Event, num_Category]) # for the first loss function
for i in range(np.shape(time)[0]):
if label[i,0] != 0: #not censored
mask[i,int(label[i,0]-1),int(time[i,0])] = 1
else: #label[i,2]==0: censored
mask[i,:,int(time[i,0]+1):] = 1 #fill 1 until from the censoring time (to get 1 - \sum F)
return mask

def f_get_fc_mask3(time, meas_time, num_Category):
mask5 is required calculate the ranking loss (for pair-wise comparision)
mask5 size is [N, num_Category].
- For longitudinal measurements:
1's from the last measurement to the event time (exclusive and inclusive, respectively)
denom is not needed since comparing is done over the same denom
- For single measurement:
1's from start to the event time(inclusive)
mask = np.zeros([np.shape(time)[0], num_Category]) # for the first loss function
if np.shape(meas_time): #lonogitudinal measurements
for i in range(np.shape(time)[0]):
t1 = int(meas_time[i, 0]) # last measurement time
t2 = int(time[i, 0]) # censoring/event time
mask[i,(t1+1):(t2+1)] = 1 #this excludes the last measurement time and includes the event time
else: #single measurement
for i in range(np.shape(time)[0]):
t = int(time[i, 0]) # censoring/event time
mask[i,:(t+1)] = 1 #this excludes the last measurement time and includes the event time
return mask

def f_construct_dataset(df, feat_list):
id : patient indicator
tte : time-to-event or time-to-censoring
- must be synchronized based on the reference time
times: time at which observations are measured
- must be synchronized based on the reference time (i.e., times start from 0)
label: event/censoring information
- 0: censoring
- 1: event type 1
- 2: event type 2

grouped = df.groupby(['id'])
id_list = pd.unique(df['id'])
max_meas = np.max(grouped.count())[0]

data = np.zeros([len(id_list), max_meas, len(feat_list)+1])
pat_info = np.zeros([len(id_list), 5])

for i, tmp_id in enumerate(id_list):
tmp = grouped.get_group(tmp_id).reset_index(drop=True)

pat_info[i,4] = tmp.shape[0] #number of measurement
pat_info[i,3] = np.max(tmp['times']) #last measurement time
pat_info[i,2] = tmp['label'][0] #cause
pat_info[i,1] = tmp['tte'][0] #time_to_event
pat_info[i,0] = tmp['id'][0]

data[i, :int(pat_info[i, 4]), 1:] = tmp[feat_list]
data[i, :int(pat_info[i, 4]-1), 0] = np.diff(tmp['times'])

return pat_info, data

def import_dataset(norm_mode = 'standard'):

df_ = pd.read_csv('./data/pbc2_cleaned.csv')

bin_list = ['drug', 'sex', 'ascites', 'hepatomegaly', 'spiders']
cont_list = ['age', 'edema', 'serBilir', 'serChol', 'albumin', 'alkaline', 'SGOT', 'platelets', 'prothrombin', 'histologic']
feat_list = cont_list + bin_list
df_ = df_[['id', 'tte', 'times', 'label']+feat_list]
df_org_ = df_.copy(deep=True)

df_[cont_list] = f_get_Normalization(np.asarray(df_[cont_list]).astype(float), norm_mode)

pat_info, data = f_construct_dataset(df_, feat_list)
_, data_org = f_construct_dataset(df_org_, feat_list)

data_mi = np.zeros(np.shape(data))
data_mi[np.isnan(data)] = 1
data_org[np.isnan(data)] = 0
data[np.isnan(data)] = 0

x_dim = np.shape(data)[2] # 1 + x_dim_cont + x_dim_bin (including delta)
x_dim_cont = len(cont_list)
x_dim_bin = len(bin_list)

last_meas = pat_info[:,[3]] #pat_info[:, 3] contains age at the last measurement
label = pat_info[:,[2]] #two competing risks
time = pat_info[:,[1]] #age when event occurred

num_Category = int(np.max(pat_info[:, 1]) * 1.2) #or specifically define larger than the max tte
num_Event = len(np.unique(label)) - 1

if num_Event == 1:
label[np.where(label!=0)] = 1 #make single risk

mask1 = f_get_fc_mask1(last_meas, num_Event, num_Category)
mask2 = f_get_fc_mask2(time, label, num_Event, num_Category)
mask3 = f_get_fc_mask3(time, -1, num_Category)

DIM = (x_dim, x_dim_cont, x_dim_bin)
DATA = (data, time, label)
# DATA = (data, data_org, time, label)
MASK = (mask1, mask2, mask3)

return DIM, DATA, MASK, data_mi

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