tree2dotx.sh 转自CSDN-cflow——C语言函数调用关系生成器
cgraph [-a <NUM>] [-d <NUM>] [-e <NUM>] [-r <NUM>] [-f <file1 file2...>] [-T <TYPE>] [-o <NAME>] [-h]
-a [NUM] :
NUM | function |
0 | Produce graphs only for main function(*) |
1 | Produce graphs for all global functions |
2 | Produce graphs for all functions |
-d [NUM] :
Set the depth at which the flow graph is cut of
-e [NUM] :
NUM | function |
0 | Disable display file name where the function is located |
1 | Enable display file name where the function is located(*) |
-r [NUM] :
NUM | function |
0 | Disable output in the order in which the functions appear |
1 | Enable output in the order in which the functions appear(*) |
-f (filename1 filename 2...) :
The files you want to produce call graph, default: all .c file in the folder
-T [TYPE] :
TYPE | function |
jpg | Output .jpg file(*) |
png | Output .png file |
gif | Output .gif file |
svg | Output .svg file |
output file name, default: a.out
-h :
Get help infomation
创建一个包含 a.c和b.c中所有函数的,不按函数出现顺序输出的,显示函数所在文件名的函数调用图,输出为test.svg
cgraph -a 2 -r 0 -T svg -o test.svg