Custom-Branded Login Theme for django-slick-admin
Using this GitHub repository:
pip install -e "git://"
Then add django_slick_admin_login
, after django_slick_admin
. and before django.contrib.admin
- Change Structure login.html in your project template folder
- Replace static content Brand Images
The stylesheets are based on Sass and are located in the sass folder of the repository.
The stylesheets defaults are based on the defaults of django-slick-admin-styles and are needed as include path for compilation.
Install required npm modules:
npm install -D
npm install -D node-sass
Create a sass file - e.g. custom-admin-login.sass
to override some defaults and import django-slick-admin-styles.
See _defaults.sass for vailable settings.
// custom-admin-styles.sass
@charset "UTF-8"
$login-background-gradient: linear-gradient(to top right,#e6f49f 10%, #8ceebe 65%, #69ebca 125%)
$branding-links-color: #000
Run sass compiler (adjust output path according to your setup):
./node_modules/node-sass/bin/node-sass \
--include-path ./node_modules/django-slick-admin-styles/sass \
custom-admin-login.sass \
Intall all needed npm packages:
npm install
gulpfile.js: See gulpfile.js for reference.
gulp.task('admin-styles', function () {
return gulp.src([
includePaths: './node_modules/django-slick-admin-styles/sass/',
outputStyle: 'expanded',
precision: 10
.pipe(autoprefixer({browsers: AUTOPREFIXER_BROWSERS}))