MyPOS Version 2.0 is a website-based integrated point of sales system using the Laravel Framework. This system has the features needed by a POS system, starting from management of goods flow, stock, cashier, invoices to reporting.
Apart from using Laravel 10, this system also integrates the Bootstrap Framework as a front-end. This system uses SQL and Jquery databases.
- Registration, Customer and Supplier Management.
- Management of incoming, outgoing and stock flow of goods.
- Cashier System
- Invoices
- Reporting
- Returns Management
- Receivables Management
- Using Eloquent from Laravel
- Templates for headers and footers
- Full CRUD integration
- Authentication from Laravel
- Account Role: Super Admin, Admin, Cashier
- Cashier System
- Returns and Receivables management
- Sales Summary
- Table optimized by Datatables.
- Middleware
- FormRequest
- Under license by Valleryan Virgil Zuliuskandar
Clone the project
git clone [](
Go to the project directory
cd mypos
Copy example.env to .env file
cp .env.example .env
Install dependencies
composer install
Delete Cache
php artisan cache:clear
Generate Laravel Key
php artisan key:generate
Make Storage Link
php artisan storage:link
php artisan migrate
Start the server
php artisan serve
Thanks to @DemuraAIdev for contribution in Version 2.0
For suggestions and input on this system, please email [email protected]