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bug 🐛
bug :bug:
Something isn't working as expected
confidential 🔐
confidential :closed_lock_with_key:
Contains confidential information that should only be visible to the essential individuals as needed
database work 🔍
database work :mag:
Changes to database queries, indexes, schemas or other code that impacts the database
dependencies 🔗
dependencies :link:
Pull requests that update a dependency file
documentation 📖
documentation :book:
Improvements or additions to documentation
duplicate 👯‍♀️
duplicate :dancing_women:
This issue or pull request already exists
enhancement 🚀
enhancement :rocket:
New feature or request
help wanted 🛎️
help wanted :bellhop_bell:
Extra attention is needed
high impact ⚠️
high impact :warning:
The change has the potential to impact a large part of the system
hotfix 🚒💨
hotfix :fire_engine::dash:
Expedited changes deployed outside of the regular deployment schedule
invalid 🚫
invalid :no_entry_sign:
This doesn't seem right
legal enforceability ⚖️
legal enforceability :balance_scale:
Changes that could potentially impact legal enforceability of the system
question 🤔
question :thinking:
Further information is requested
restricted 🔒
restricted :lock:
Contains sensitive information that should only be visible to a limited number of individuals
security 🔑
security :key:
Changes that could potentially impact system security or vulnerabilities
unstable 🚧
unstable :construction:
Feature or implementation will need improvement in the near feature
will not fix 🗑️
will not fix :wastebasket:
This will not be worked on